Walking Together

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Lou runs down the street; he didn't care how the other dolls looked at him. All he cared about was seeing Mandy again. He rushes up to her front door, then frantically knocks again and again. Until the door was swiftly opened to reveal Mandy. "Calm down I'm!-" She stops seeing it was her boyfriend. Before she could speak another word, he hugs the female doll. Resting his head on her right shoulder. His arms around her waist. Honestly, she was getting rather annoyed by these hugs. They just come out of nowhere. She awkwardly laughs, "Lou can you at least give me a warning before you engulf me?" Mandy gives a small pat on Lou's back. "Yeah I will. I just came to talk." Lou whispers, before leaning away to look at Mandy. "Oh, ok then." She lets go and moves to the side of the door. Allowing space for Lou to come inside. "Come on in!" She exclaims with a grin. He enters the house, then smiles at the wonderful scenery. As beautiful as the last time he came.

However there was something new in the room. On the counter was a photo of Marilyn Manroe: it was in black and white, she was wearing a strapless silk dress with a fur boa and white gloves. She looked amazing. Lou picks up the framed photo. Underneath the photo was the date of when she was born and when she died. He hears a small giggle behind him, so he turns to the voice. "I knew that you'd pick this up." Mandy point to the picture in his hands. He smirks, "Of course I would; I adore this woman. But, why do you have a photo of her?" Mandy takes two steps closer to Lou. Gently taking the photo from him and placing it back down. "Well at first, I was thinking about giving it to you. As a gift obviously. But I decided to look up more about her and I soon fell in love with her too!" Mandy clasps her hands together from being too excited. Ever since Lou told Mandy more of his female idol, she soon idolizes her as well. Not as much as the first women she fangirls over though. "Also, I appreciate you opening up to me about who you idolize." Lou faintly blushes from her comment. He appreciates that his efforts are recognized by her. "Thank you. Now how about we go for a walk?" Lou gently takes Mandy's hand. Who smiles at the offer. "Sure! I have some time left before I need to leave." Mandy says as they walk out of the house. Hand in hand. 

Lou mumbles under his breathe, he doesn't want her to leave. Every time she goes through that portal, he second guests that she'll never come back. That Mandy would stay in the big world forever. To leave Lou here. All alone. "So are you going to sing on stage again?" Mandy questions, breaking the silence as they walk down the street. "Of course I am! I love being on that stage, maybe you can join me again." He winks. "If you want me to pose for a song again then sure." She laughs, so does Lou. They both continue to chat more about singing: Their opinions, what songs they like to sing etc. They loved the time they spend together. It was nice to have someone to talk with.

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