A proposition

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Mandy and Lou spent most of their time sitting together on the couch. A cup of tea in hand. Mandy has calmed down a little, she is still upset but Lou is helping her to not tear up again. Lou had his arm around her shoulders, comforting her. "Do you think another kid would buy me?" Mandy asks, looking down at her feet. Lou shrugs, "Maybe. We don't know what will happen dear." Lou answers, placing his tea back onto the counter. That was beside the couch arm. During the time they've been spending, Lou has thought of an idea. An idea that could make Mandy happy; she can stay here. She could stay at the institution and be with Lou. Mandy wouldn't have to leave and just stay with him. Who needs some kid to love you? After all, Mandy has Lou. "Mandy... Do you, want to go back?" Mandy slowly gazes up to Lou. Surprised by the question. "Well I.. I'm not sure now you ask." Mandy wasn't sure on how to answer that question. Would there even be a point to go back? Some kid that'll buy her may do the same. Mandy doesn't want to go through that again. It'll be an endless cycle. "Well my dear Mandy, I have a proposition for you." Lou removes his arm from her shoulders. To use both hands to grab hers. Leveling between their chests. Their eyes meet, "O-ok, what is it?" Mandy faintly blushes, curious about this proposition. "Since this 'situation' has occurred I've been thinking; how about you don't go back?" Her eyes widen in shock.

"Go back?" Lou nods, moving his left hand up to her cheek. His thumb softly stroking her skin. "Think about it; you wouldn't have to experience another kid throwing you away again. You can just stay with me and your friends. No kid that'll constantly leave you. No more sadness. If you stay here, you won't have to experience that again." Mandy's mouth slowly gapes open, that was too much for her to process. She could stay, but what about having another kid? It may be someone new and it could do good for Mandy. It'll be something new for her; but so will be staying in the institution. "Lou...I may, need time to think about this." He inches closer, slowly parting his lips. "Of course you do." He smirks, before leaning in to kiss Mandy. Who quickly kisses back. Lou lets go of her hands, to snake his hands to her waist. Pulling her body closer to his. The female doll becomes flustered by the amount of intimacy. Her hands making their way to his shoulders. Both dolls continue their make out session; however Lou gets too bold. His right hand moves up to her top blazer button. Undoing the golden button. Mandy eyes open and slightly pushes away, "Please let's not-" She pauses to gulp, doing her button back up. Lou moves away, mentally cursing at his self. "Crap. Sorry, I-I went too far." He apologizes, turning his head. Avoiding her gaze. Angry at his self for going too far. "I-it's ok Lou. Just that, I think that's too early for us." Mandy stands up, desperate to get out of this awkward situation.

"How about this Lou; let's go outside to cool down and I'll think about your suggestion." Mandy grins. It takes a moment before the blonde looks back at his girlfriend. "Alright then, my perfect doll." He smirks, standing up as well. Mandy lets out a small laugh from the new nickname. Finding it sweet and cute. "Thanks for the new nickname. Louv." Lou playfully rolls his eyes. Half happy and half embarrassed by that nickname. Mandy walks over to the front door and opens it. With Lou following behind her, "Please don't call me that in public." Mandy only responds with a small giggle. Both dolls exit the house, "Oh Lou-" He hums in response as he closes the door behind him. "-Can I, spend some time on my own? Just to re-think things." Lou nods, hiding his guilt. He guests it would be the best for them to spend some time apart to think. He feels awful for going too far with Mandy. "Sure, I'll see you later on though. Right?" Mandy answers with a smile. "Of course we will! I'll see you later!" She waves goodbye walking down the street. Lou does a small wave back to his girlfriend, before walking the opposite end of the street.

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