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Mandy was walking around the institution, trying to clear her mind of the sad thoughts. Mostly thinking of Lou's proposition. Staying at the institution for the rest of her life? It would be weird to not see the big world again. But there's still her friends who love her here; so she doesn't need a new kid to love her! There's every doll here to share her love with. Especially Lou. She should stay it'll be- "M-Mandy!!" She hears someone shout. The doll looks up from her feet to see her short friend running towards her. She weakly smiles at her friend, "Hi Moxy. You need anything?" "Ox told me you were crying earlier. Are you ok?" Moxy asks, her voice full of worry. Mandy rubs her elbow, being reminded of her kid again. "Y-yeah I'm ok. It's kid is selling away." She mutters, her friend gasps in response. Sympathy forming in Moxy's stomach. She goes to comfort her friend, resting a hand beside Mandy's arm. " oh, I'm sorry to hear that." She whispers, glancing up at Mandy. Who does her best to smile through the tears. Forming deep inside her. "T-there's no need for you to be sorry Moxy! It happens to some dolls." Mandy's voice lowers. Moxy pouts, upset from seeing her best friend like this. "True. B-but I'm sure a lovely kid will take you in their loving arms! They will treat you perfectly and love you even more!" The shorter doll exclaims, hoping it will help raise Mandy's spirits. "Thanks for the support Moxy." Mandy says for Moxy to give a kind smile back to her. Moxy glances to the side, noticing Ox was a couple of minuets away from them. For some reason he was holding a clipboard; it seems that he was searching for someone. The shorter doll gazes back up to her friend, "Hey, wanna talk with Ox of abit?" She questions. For the doll to answer with a small nod. Moxy takes a hold of her friend's left hand and walk over to the green bunny.

Ox forms an awkward smile; knowing why Mandy was crying earlier on. He was told by one of robots. The robots know what happens in the big world; they'll inform the dolls if something bad occurred to a doll out in the big world. Such as them being ripped a part, thrown away by their owner, abandoned etc. Those type of events. "H-hey girls." He greets the two, before staring at Mandy with a worried expression. "You alright doll, I saw you earlier and..." He pauses to let Mandy talk. "I'm fine Ox." She smiles as the green bunny looks down at the clipboard. "That's good!-" He looks back up to the doll. "-Anyway, I have some news for you." Moxy beams, excited by this good news for her friend. "You do?" Mandy questions, curious at what he is implying. "Well I know about you and your kid-" This saddens her mood. Ox continues, "-So I went to find anymore information on the matter. And I found out a new kid will be buying you!" He cheers with a small jump. Moxy grins to her friend, "Wow! That's wonderful Mandy!" The doll was unsure on how to react. She should be happy but... there was no excitement inside her. "I...I" No words were coming out; Mandy couldn't say anything. Her friends quickly notice how Mandy was acting. Moxy tilts her head, "Is something wrong? You'll have a new kid to take care of you. Aren't you happy?" They wait for an answer. "No... I want to stay here."


Lou stared down at the institution, sitting on the bench. He was on the hill that Mandy took him to. He understands why she'd go here for some peace; it's really relaxing up here. There was nothing to distract him other than this beautiful view of the institution. A sigh escapes his lips, as he feels the breeze pass his porcelain-like skin. He closes his eyes, enjoying the peace. That was until he heard footsteps behind him. Causing his blue orbs to open and glance to the direction of the footsteps. It was a couples of seconds before Mandy emerged from the trees. Slightly surprising him. "My my~ fancy meeting you here." He jokes with a small giggle. Mandy awkwardly smiles and also giggles at the joke. "I know right. No matter where we go, we always seem to meet each other." She walks to the bench, Lou scoots over to make some room for her. Mandy sits down beside her boyfriend, "So... have you thought about it?" Lou asks, raising an eyebrow.

The doll's cheeks go red, thinking about her answer. She gazes down for moment, before gazing back up to Lou's baby blue eyes. "Yeah I did." "Well, what is your answer my Mandy?" The blonde forms a calm smile. No matter what/how she answers, he'll be happy and respectful to her. Lou shouldn't be angry at his girlfriend for her decision; he will have to accept it. "I'm staying here." He freezes for a small moment, since he believed she would rather go to another kid than stay with him. "I don't want to experience a repeat of being sold, or thrown, away by another kid. Over and over again." Mandy's tone had a hint of sadness. "I don't think I can take that." Lou leans forward to kiss her on the cheek. Trying to lighten her mood. "That's ok Mandy. I may not fully understand what you're thinking but I'll help you through it. And uh... thank you. For staying." He gently rests his hand over hers. Which was laying on her lap. Mandy glances down to her hand, as he intertwines his fingers between hers. Her head turns to face Lou once more, earning a sweet smile from him. Mandy moves closer to Lou, tilting her head up. To kiss him on the forehead before whispering, "You're welcome."

(A/N: Hey guys! I just want to say thanks for supporting this fic of mine. I really appreciate it! Now the next chapter will be the last part of this story; it'll be showing the future of Lou, Mandy and their friends. I'm mostly finishing this so I can focus on another long-term Landy/Loundy fan fiction I am working on. Which may or may not involve a certain character being a yandere ;). Once again thanks for supporting the fanfic.)

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