A Confession?

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Moxy glances down at her clipboard, checking if everything from the list is done. "Food, check. Welcoming signs, check.-" She mumbles, walking up and down in a straight line. Her friend sighs, "Moxy you don't need to freak over this. We're just gettin' new dolls." Uglydog says. She looks up from her clipboard and laughs awkwardly, "I-I know that! I just want them to feel welcomed that's all. We only have a day left so I want everything to be great!" Uglydolls takes out sunglasses from his back. Putting them on to act cool, "How about I give them show? I'm the best DJ after all~" He flatters his self. Moxy takes the moment to think, 'Maybe Lou could perform. Wait, that could show he's now a good doll' She thought. Moxy snaps her fingers, "Good idea Uglydog!-" He smiles at her approval. "-but you wouldn't mind if Lou could sing during the performance? It could really help the new dolls take pleasure being here." Uglydog lowers his glasses to give a glance at his friend. As if he was saying 'really?' at his friend. "You still trust that fool?" Moxy pouts at Uglydogs stubbornness. He still doesn't trust Lou. "Come on Uglydog! He's trying to reform to become a better doll." Moxy kneels down Uglydolls level. Putting on her puppy dog eyes, "Please~ do this for a friend." She begs with a pout. Uglydog stares at the doll as if she was insane. However, he soon groans in defeat. "Alright alright! I'll let him perform with me." Moxy surprise hugs him. "You're the best Uglydog!" She exclaims with a small squeal of delight. He forms a soft smile and chuckles, "I know right?" He jokes.


Lou crosses his legs, taking a sip from his tea. He was having tea with Mandy. Listening to Mandy as she explains an activity she and her kid had played. Honestly he envied her spending time with the kid. Hearing her talk so positive about the child... he felt left out. "She's such a cutie Lou! I can't believe she wanted to get the same glasses as me." He nods. "Yeah, how sweet." Mandy quickly notices Lou's tone in his voice; he wasn't comfortable with the topic. "I... I'm sorry I shouldn't be talking about this." Mandy apologizes. "What? There's no need to stop dear. Come on, continue talking about that stup- I mean, Jennifer." Mandy reaches her hand outward to Lou's. Causing him to stiffen for a second as their eyes meet. "You hate me talking about her don't you." "No I don't. She's your kid so talk about her all you want." He pulls his hand away, having another sip of tea. "Not like I actually care." Mandy's mouth opens in shock from his response. But she quickly shuts it to shoot a serious gaze at Lou. "You DO care Lou!" She stands up and steps to Lou's side. Resting her hands onto his broad shoulders. Beginning to blush from how close they are, "Please just tell me Lou if it bothers you! I like you too much to make you uncomfortable."

"Wait...you like me too much?" Lou asks ignoring rest of what she said. Mandy swiftly lets go of his shoulders to rub her elbow. Regretting what she said. Lou stands up smirking, "Wow Mandy~ never thought you'd confess to me first." Mandy blushes even more. "W-wait, you l--like me too?" He hums a yes, placing his left hand on his hip. "Y-yeah... you're the first person to give me another chance. You've been so caring and so kind to me. I... I really like you and I just don't want to lose you." Lou takes a step closer to the doll. She plays with her glasses to calm herself down. "I-I really like you too just... sorry I'm so nervous!" Lou chuckles, he found her blushing to be so amusing. "It's alright my dear Mandy; people always get nervous being in my presence." He gives her a moment to calm herself. Mandy forms a sweet smile, "Lou I do like you in that way." "Then how about a date?" Lou grins. Mandy nods with an excited look, she's never been on a date before. "Y-yeah I'd love that!" She exclaims, causing Lou to chuckle. He gently grabs her left hand, lifting it up to his mouth. Kneeling down, "Ok then my dear; We'll meet back here (His house) and have dinner together. Let's say...8:30?" He kisses her hand, winking at Mandy. Causing her face to go red. "Y-yes that sounds good." She gently removes her hand away from Lou. He stands up, for Mandy to give him a hug goodbye. "I'll see you till then!" The dolls says before leaving the house, with a huge grin on her face.

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