Nothing Is As Comfortable Then A Close Friend

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A sigh leaves Ox's mouth as he sweeps away the confetti from the stage. Last night's party went on for hours. He was one of people who managed to get up so early from that night. Everyone stayed up until 3 AM. "Need a hand?" Ox turns to see Lou. Holding another broom in his left hand. He had on a bright smile, reminding Ox  when they were best friend.s That smile brought back memories of how'd they spend time together. Talk about all their interests and the big world. They'd laugh about stupid jokes they said and would talk about their future. The memories warms Ox's heart."Y-yeah sure." Lou steps beside Ox and helps sweeping the confetti. "I thought you had enough of cleaning friend." Ox jokes with a small chuckle. Lou groans as he cleans, "I have. But I'm trying to be... nice. I wanted to talk with you anyway." "You do? Well what do you need?" Ox asks in a cheerful tone. Sweeping the last part to the pile of confetti, which will be taken by the robot dog. To be thrown into the trash. Lou finishes his sweeping, leaning his elbow on the broom's stick. "I was wondering if.. you'd like to hang out later on?" He asks, looking to the side. Finding it awkward since they haven't been on good terms. Ox grins and throws his sweeper away, "Yeah! That would be awesome. Does, 3 PM sound alright?" Ox questions, whilst having his thumb underneath his chin. "Sure that'll be-Wait why so late? We have about 6 hours till then." Lou says with a puzzled look. "Well mine and Mandy's kid are having a play date, they're taking us with them in about 2 hours. You don't mind do you?" Lou's eyes widen and his heart begins to pound. Panic began to run through his body. If their kids are taking them, that means Mandy and Ox are going to leave. 

Lou has issues when close friends leave him, since the day he thought he was going to lose Ox. He'd have trouble with trusting others. If his friend leaves or disappears, he'd freak out and begin to have obsessive thoughts of them. There's a flow of anxiety that runs over him. He can't leave because he was a prototype, meaning he can't ever find a kid of his own. So he'd hate to think of a friend leaving, they may never return and abandon him. The thought of never seeing Mandy or Ox again... "Lou? Are you alright?" Ox asks, breaking Lou out of his thoughts. He quickly turns for his back to face Ox. "Y-yeah I'm fine!" Ox takes one step closer to Lou. "You zoned out for a minuet." "I'm fine Ox. Just... I'll see you at 3 o'clock at my house. See you!" Lou says, leaving Ox. He watched his friend leave, curious why Lou just froze in place. Staring at him in fear. Ox thought that it must've been nothing, maybe he saw someone behind him or something odd. Ox just shrug his shoulders and goes around, searching for anything else to clean up before leaving the stage.

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