The Next Morning

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The sun slowly blooms above the institution, lighting the area. Filling the sky with shades of orange and pink. It was the start of a new day. The sunlight peeks through Lou's blinders, his blue eyes slowly open. To greet part of the sunshine. He closes them and sits up, rubbing the bags under his eyes from his sleep. Then he groans, throwing his legs over the side of his bed. Standing up and stumbles over to his mirror. Lou's blonde hair was now a tangled mess, small bags under his eyes and was still wearing his blue suit. Causing him to remember of last night. His runs his finger through his hair in stress, 'God... please don't tell I was being an idiot with her.' He'd hates for Mandy to think of him as some idiotic drunk. Lou has been trying to cut down on his drinking. Once he has one glass, he won't stop asking for more. Especially if it's his favorite type of wine. The doll opens the top draw of the counter. Taking out a brush and then begins to untangle his hair. It took a whole hour to have his hair perfect again. He swiftly changes to a clean new black suit before heading downstairs.

The doll views the living room; seeing that the dinner table had some paper on it. Curious he steps in front of the table, he doesn't remember leaving a note here. Lou picks up the note, it wasn't his handwriting either. This hand writing was more smoother than his. He began to read it quietly, "Morning Lou, you got alittle drunk last night so I helped you to bed. I loved our date! Maybe we have another one?" He pauses in surprise. She... she wants to spend more time with him. It made his heart warm. He couldn't believe it, Mandy is making him soft. Lou kinda doubted she'd want to see him again. Since he got drunk last night. The doll smiles, hugging the note against his chest and sighs dreamily. Another date... with a doll he's falling in love with. He folds the paper small enough to put into his pants pocket. With a spring in his step, Lou jogs into the kitchen. Making a simple breakfast (Toasts and a cup of coffee) before he leaves his house. For his daily walk around the place.


Mandy places her arms around Moxy, pulling her into a hug. Hopefully to calm her down, "Chill out Moxy. I assure nothing bad will happen. Anyway, we're just getting new dolls." Moxy pulls away and nods, "I know I know," She repeats. "I just want them to feel welcomed. Unlike, how the others and I felt when we got here." Her voice lowers, thinking of her friends felt when they first got here. Mandy kneels down to come face to face with her best friend. "I understand Moxy but I'm sure they'll feel welcomed enough with these decorations!" They both look around the stage. Bright and beautiful colors everywhere: Balloons, a table full of food, streamers etc. As if it was a birthday party. "I... I guess so." Moxy says, still there was some worry in her voice.

There was a sudden beep noise from the speakers, 'Please enter through the gates and make your way to the individualization scanners' Moxy gasps, "Oh no they're already here! Do you know where Lou and Uglydog are?" "I saw Uglydog by the stage." Mandy answers, pointing to the backstage curtains. Moxy nods and begins to run to the stage. Looking back at Mandy to wave, "I'll see you in a sec!" Before turning to look forward. Mandy lets out a small chuckle as she watches her friend leave. Not noticing a brown haired doll walk beside her. "H-hey Mandy!" She slightly jumps in surprise before turning to her left; It was Nolan. With a faint pink across his cheeks. "Oh sorry, did I scare you?" He asks with worry. Mandy shakes her head, "N-no I was just surprised that's all." They both have a small laugh. "Yeah... H-how is your day?" Nolan smiles trying to start up a conversation. "Good so far! I can't wait to meet new dolls." She looks over to the scanners. The dolls changing from their default skin to a whole new different doll. Then an idea pop into her head, "How about we go and meet some of the new dolls?" Mandy asks. Nolan pauses for a second before answering. He couldn't help but act so nervous around her. "S-sure!" She grabs his hand. Causing him to blush even more. Mandy takes him over to a small group of new dolls. She starts a conversation with a female doll with long blonde hair.

As they begin to talk with the new dolls, they didn't notice an angry doll. Staring Nolan down: The dolls eye begins to have small twitches, crossing his arms, his lips pushed to form an angry pout. He couldn't stand seeing Mandy with him. Watching her smile and laugh in Nolan's presence, probably making her more happy with him. Which could cause Mandy to date Nolan instead. Lou insecurities were over flowing in his mind; losing another doll in his life that he cares so deeply for. No... He can't let that happen again! He needs Mandy, he needs to-

"Wow!~ Never thought of you to be a protective type."   

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