Promise You'll Come Back

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Mandy walks up the stairs, up to see you portal. She waves at a doll who just exited the portal. She begins to wonder where Ox was. He'd usually be here on time. But she doesn't mind waiting for a few more minuets. Mandy stares at the portal, eager to see her kid again. That cute smile gives her life. "Mandy!" A voice calls out to her. She glances to the stairs and it was Lou. He looked scared? That's rather odd to see Lou scared. "Hey Lou. You ok?" She questions. Lou steps up to Mandy, "Erm, yeah. Just..." He bites his lip and looks to the right. Mandy notice the brooding expression in his bright blue eyes. "Just what?" She raises her eyebrow. She waits for a response. Only to hear Lou mumbles. Mandy pouts, "Lou, is there something wrong? You can tell me." "I...Do you have to leave?" He questions, in a low voice. Mandy blinks a couple of times, processing what he said. Why does Lou not want her to leave? "Yeah I have too. Sorry Lou. But I promise you I'll be back before 4 PM." He gives a faint smile and slowly nods. She could tell he wasn't sure of her promise. He opens his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted.

"Hey Mandy!! Ready to go?!" It was the green bunny himself. Mandy waves at him with a bright smile, "I sure am." He jogs up to the two. Lou glares at Ox, irritated that he was barging in on their conversation. Ox grins and waves at Lou. "See ya later champ." He says before jumping into the portal. Mandy closes her eyes and smiles, "I'll see you later Lou." She turns and only takes two steps. Before someone grabs her wrist, stopping her. Mandy turns her head to see it was Lou, having a distressed expression on his face. His pupils were smaller as he stares down at her hand. "Wait!" She looks down at his hand then up to his face. Their eyes meet. Lou blushes, embarrassed by his sudden action and lets her go. "My...apologies Mandy. I shouldn't have done that." He straighten his tie nervously. "I-it's ok." Mandy stutters. She can't leave him like this. This was a sign of an abandonment fear: Lou has some trust issues when she leaves him. Mandy knows he isn't doing this on purpose. He's just scared. Mandy smiles brightly, wrapping her arms around his neck. Giving him a warm hug. Surprising Lou, who stands still in shock, "Louis.... I promise you that I will come back. There's no need to worry." Lou holds onto her waist, keeping a hold of her. Resting his head on her shoulder. "T...thank you dear." He whispers.

Kitty, Tuesday and Lydia walk their way to the portal. Their kids were going to spies again with the dolls. Their kids were triplets and would always play together with the dolls. "So what do you think of Lou coming back?" Lydia asks. Kitty scoffs, "Oh please, I ain't trusting that guy! Like he'll change." "Well he could. Maybe I can help him." Tuesday suggests, clasping her hands together. Kitty glares at the girl as Lydia giggles, "Id doubt that-" As they turn the corner to the portal. They view Mandy and Lou hugging. Lydia eyes widen in surprise but she soon changes her expression. Smirking at Tuesday. "I think somebody is already onto that." She says. Tuesday had her mouth wide open whilst Kitty crosses her arms. Kitty knows how Lou acts, she used to work for him after all. Being kind one second then back stabs you. At least, that's what she believes. She can't let Mandy be played with. Tuesday was rather jealous of the doll, she does still have a small crush on Lou. Lydia smirks and places a hand on her hip, amused by the two girls. She looks back to the other two dolls, "Hey Mandy!!!" She shouts, to get the dolls attention. Mandy turn her head to the girls, still holding Lou. She blushes and awkwardly smiles. "I-I have to go now Lou." She says. The spy girls walk near to the two: Kitty glaring mostly at Lou, Tuesday awkwardly smiling at Mandy whilst Lydia just grins. It takes a couple of second before Lou finally lets go. "Fine." He says blankly. Kitty eyes him up and down, "Wow, what's your problem?" Shes with some venom in her voice. Lou glares at her, "Your my problem." "L-Lou." Mandy pouts. He gazes at her, seeing her lips puckered out. Finding it cute. "Sorry Mandy but I can't just take that. Especially form her." He points at Kitty. "Don't you start with me blondie." She snickers. "Stop it you two! Can we just go now?" Tuesday questions. Mandy nods, "Yeah I have to go. See you later Lou!" She gives him a quick hug. Then jogs into the portal. "Come on Kitty." Lydia says, grabbing her arm. Kitty and Lou had their eyes glued onto each other. As if a storm was brewing between them. Tuesday already walked through the portal. Kitty turns on her heel and goes with Lydia into the portal. Leaving Lou all alone. 

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