Chapter 15

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My body laid on the floor if I moved, I couldn't cry or scream because I was in so much pain. I blacked out.

When I came to again I woke up in a bathtub completely naked,I was so scared I had no idea what was in store for me.

I heard the door open and tried to sit up, when I seen the old lady walk in I felt relieved maybe she could save me. But I knew that wasn't the case we made eye contact and didn't say a word, she ran my bath and put bubble bath into the water. She looked at me and smiled. I looked at her blankly. Her hand went towards my face and flinched back. "My sweet heart your beautiful, you have such beautiful eyes." She said in a heavy southern accent

I continued to stare." Your momma never taught you manners or how to say thank you when somebody compliments you? Go on an give me a smile." She joked. I smiled at what she said.

"There you go baby, your much prettier when you smile." She said.

I smiled and replied "thank you" I said in a raspy tone. My voice was gone from screaming.

She reached in the water and started washin my body with a rag making sure to be extra careful around my bruises.

"I'm only here to clean you up and feed you baby." She said as she tried to bring the rag to my face. I hissed and flinched.

"My name is Mrs.Ella what's yours?" Mrs. Ella asked

"Secret" I responded.

"Why that's a pretty name for a pretty girl." I smiled and let her continue washing my body.

"Boss is gonna come see you tonight, gotta have you clean." She said.

I grabbed her wrist and asked her with pleading eyes and heart in my stomach. "Please Mrs Ella help me get out of here."

"I can't sugar, boss would kill me, I'm sorry." She replied.

"Who's your boss?" I asked

"The biggest drug cartel there is, The Indian, man is dangerous he speaks with his eye sight," she said.

"The Indian?" I asked

" I've already said too much, come on honey lets rinse you off and get you in some clothes gotta feed you too!" She said . As she rinsed the soap off my body.

She helped me get in a towel to dry off and then into some clean clothes. She brought me into a room where she told me too wait.

She came back not even five minutes later with a plate of food.

She cooked my favorite, pork chops, cabbages, red beans & rice with a slice of corn bread.

I ate it like it was my last meal. As I was drinking it down with koolaid I couldn't get my mind off of what was going to happen next.

Mrs Ella walked out of the room and when she walked back in she came back with 2 buff men and a tray.

My eyes widen as I seen what was on the tray. It was a syringe, I was not stupid, I knew she was going to use that shit on me.

I got up and the 2 men grabbed me and forced me to sit down, one of the men held my arm as Mrs. Ella injected that shit into my arm.

My body quickly felt heavy and my eyes began to get low. I was being dragged into the room
Where I was put in when I first got kidnapped.

I was thrown on the floor. A wave of sleep soon took over me, I tried to stay up but it was no use.

After a couple hours I was being dragged into another room this time one with a chair in it. I was thrown in the chair and handcuffed to both sides, wet cloths where being tied around my wrist and ankles. "Wait what are you doing?" I asked.

The leadman laughed. Soon a box with jumper cables was given to him and I pleaded," no please don't shock me I'll do anything please don't shock me!"

I was gagged with another wet cloth and he brought the cables to my arms I let out a long painful scream. But you couldn't hear it, he continued to do this when I wouldn't tell him where I got the money from.

"See secret now your pissing me the fuck off, the boss is getting real fucking impatient with your ass, he wants to know why you stole his money." The lead man said as he took the gag out of my mouth.

"I didn't steal anything I promise." I pleaded.

I got shocked again. I screamed loud as hell I was sure somebody from the outside heard me.

Just when I thought I was going to die. I heard the door open and everyone got quiet, my body was leaning forward so I kept my head down.

I heard heavy footsteps walking towards me.

I slowly lifted my head up and was in shock to know that my father was in front of me.

Done In The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now