Chapter 21

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My eyes fluttered open and I frantically scanned the room
To find placement. I was in the hospital, the first thing that came to mind was my baby, I rubbed at my belly trying to feel for my baby bump, there was none.

My tummy was flat and I panicked. Soon nurses and doctors rushed in the room.

"Where the fuck is my child?!" I screamed.

"Ms Secret you need to calm down, you need to calm down or we'll have no other choice then to sedate you." The nurse said.

Tears instantly stung my eyes, I allowed them to fall freely.

"I'm sorry I just want too know where my baby and my boyfriend at?"I cried

"Do you have any family we can call?" The nurse asked.

Just as she did Ashley came darting through the door.

"What happened? Where is my nephew? Where is Dante? Secret baby are you ok?" She asked.

She hugged me an I proceeded to cry.

"Where is my family?" I cried.

The nurse's eyes began to get watery.
"I'm so sorry Ms Secret, you lost the baby." She said as she wiped at her eyes.

My bottom lip quivered, as my face sunk in.

Tears poured down my face.
"Where's Dante?" I asked you

"He was shot, I'm sorry." She said as she walked out.

"What? Shot?" Ashley said.

"Why must my daddy do this to me? Why can't I be happy bruh? What wrong have I done?" I screamed out loud.

My sadness quickly turned into hate,I patiently waited to Get discharged from the hospital.

I was setting up my revenge quickly. I knew exactly who did it, little did they know.

A couple days went by, Ashley was taking care of me. I had let hate creep into my heart and soul all I wanted now was to get revenge for my unborn and the only person aside from my sister that truly did have genuine love for me.

But Ashley couldn't see my hatred because I wouldn't allow her to see it.

I woke up and went to pay the Indian a visit.

The way I was driving you would have thought I would have dead before I made it to his house.

I was allowed in, and I creeped into his room. Knowing my father he always left his burner on the dresser but knowing the Indian he had another under his pillow. Fuck I didn't care.

I grabbed the gun from off his dressed and cocked it, I walked over to him he was still sleeping.

"Wake the fuck up nigga!" I said as I kicked the side of his mattress.

"Secret?" He asked and then chuckled."I always knew somebody was going to kill me in my bed I just prayed it was a real ass nigga one who eyes I can look into and see nothing but hate staring right back at me, and to tell you the truth princess you are that one." He said.

None of his words phased me, fuck this nigga he ain't no father to me.

"You set me up nigga." I said calmly.
"No honey you set your own self up, I just helped you see you was inlove with a person who only had lust for you." He began.

"I only set one thing up and that was Mickey, the rest you and Jazz did by yourselves. I didn't tell Jazz to wreck your car so you could lose your man and child, she did that only because she sees you as a property nothing else." He said.

At this point tears fell down my face, but fuck crying the fact that this nigga could allow this too happen.

"Fuck you! You allowed this too happen, you kidnapped me and your buff ass niggas almost killed my ass. You could have stopped this, you ain't no fucking father too me . I hate you bitch." I spat.

"I hate you too Secret I always have, the reason your slut mother named you Secret was because she fucked Mickeys daddy and conceived you ! She tried to keep you a Secret when she was pregnant but little did she know I set her ass up for that. Your product of a fuck nigga and slut bitch." He said.

This caused rage to fill my veins and I pulled the trigger. A straight shot between his eyes.
Brain matter exited the back of his head and blood splattered back onto me from the entrance wound.

"Fuck nigga respect my mother." I spat.

Done In The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now