Chapter 16

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"Secret princess, Let's skip the melodramatics and get straight to business." My daddy said.

I looked at him confused as hell.
"Daddy why would you kidnap an torture me I thought you loved me?" I asked.

"See this is the problem with you baby girl your so damn naïve. You love all the wrong motherfuckers." He replied.

Tears escaped my eyes." But your my daddy, what do you mean? Why am I here?" I asked.

"My baby girl a fighter, but that's not why your here." He said as he lowered himself to me. He grabbed the back of my hair and jerked my head up so I could look him in the eyes.

"That lil bitch you fucking;stole from me, I knows she cares about you so I hit her where it hurts, now there is no if ands or buts about this. You will do what the hell I say. After all I am your father. You took after your beautiful mother, I'll give you your cut After I have her." He said.

"You must be out yo damn mind!" I responded .

He cocked his head to the side. Pulled his hand back and hit me with a hard one.

"Your not a little girl no more, but you will do as I say or you and your girlfriend will be in my backyard. " he said.

I sighed," what I got to do?"

He smiled," now we talking baby girl, kill her."

My eyes widened and I began screaming "daddy fuck no! You fucking crazy I ain't killing that fucking girl!"

He cupped my bruised face." If you don't do this I'll do it myself and make you watch."

Tears began streaming down my face.

I nodded my head. There was no doubt that the Indian was no one to play with, I have never been so afraid of my father in my life but he couldn't be serious about this.

"Let her go horse, return her back to her house." He said.

As soon as daddy spoke two of his man stepped into my room and untied me, they gave me clean clothes and I was being taken back to my house.

Before I got out the car the nigga they called horse which was the nigga with the stank breath, got in my face, it still smelled like horse shit.

"I'll be sure next time you get a chance to feel this horse dick." He said as grabbed at his crotch.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. I walked in my house and finally let out a sigh of relief!

"Oh my god I can't believe that fucking happened too me ! Oh my god !" I cried.

Just as I got all of my tears out of my system the door was being knocked down.

"Secret open the fucking door it's been a fucking week!" Jazz said as she banged on the door.

"Just the bitch I wanted to see." I bolted to the door and opened it.

I reached towards her and dragged her in the house. I threw her on the wall and began kissing her aggressively.

"Jazz I hate you! I hate you so fucking much !" I said in between kisses.

She pulled back and gave me a confused look.

" I have never been so happy to see your ugly ass face!" I said.

"I was kidnapped for a week and you never even once looked for me." I said as I smacked her.

"Man secret what the fuck is wrong with you?" Jazz asked.

I looked at her and busted out crying. I was truly an emotional wreck.
"Jazz you put my life in fucking danger I could have been killed, you don't fucking care about me, you never even fucking loved me!" I screamed

She rolled her eyes, "Man Secret come here!" She demanded.

I looked at the ground and I stood there.

She reached towards me and grabbed my wrist. I resisted.

She rolled her eyes and walked past me, just as she walked away I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her back.

"You don't have anything to say to me?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head," No" she said.

"Wow bruh really? I almost get killed by my own father and you don't have nothing to say to me?" I asked with my heart in my ass.

"No." She said as she walked out.

I stood there and laughed at myself, I shook my head and ran myself a bath.


I got in my car and began to call the Indian.

"It's done Indian what else I have to do?"

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