Chapter 11

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I'm finally back with a new chapter guys! I really will try to upload the new chapter faster this time I swear! The picture above is Yara, like I promised in chapter 10.

                                                                    Dedicated to:   iveylp03

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kayden was tired. Whatever he did, he couldn't fall asleep.

Partly, it was because of Jay. He wouldn't stop walking around in Kayden's head. He whined, whimpered, groaned and grumbled. Jay was feeling horrible. Because of Kayden, he had lost both his mates. Grey was gone and Shawn didn't want them because of Kayden. He was sad and worried. How was Shawn? Jay knew he needed comfort, but he didn't want to see Kayden. How would they comfort him if he didn't let them to him? He had an uncomfortable feeling in his gut, but couldn't quite place it. He just had a feeling something was going to happen. If things could get worse though.

And partly because the bond was breaking.

Kayden sat on his bed with his head in his hands. He listened to Jay's constant pleads and whimpers that was giving him a headache, while fighting the horrible pain of the breaking mate bond. When he had first rejected Shawn without even thinking, it didn't hurt at all. But now, it hurt like hell. The bond was twisting and slowly parting, and every part of it was hurting. His mate was afraid of him and angry at him, and the natural connection they had was breaking.

''Oh don't you dare think like that Kayden!'' Jay scoffed at him. ''Don't you dare think the connection between me and them is yours! I at least talked to Shawn without hurting him!'' Jay screamed. He was getting mad now.

Kayden moaned in pain at his scream and blocked him out.

The door suddenly opened and Luna Rose walked in. Kayden looked up at her, but she barely glanced at him. ''This is for your head.'' she mumbled and gave him a pack of Advil and a glass of water.

''Thanks.'' Kayden muttered and she nodded. She walked back towards the door and went to close it but she suddenly came to a halt. ''You still have to go to school tomorrow.'' she said and then closed the door behind her.

Kayden sighed and drowned a pill with water. He dropped back on his bed, looking at the shadows the Moon created with its shine. 

He finally closed his eyes. For a few minutes everything was silent. Then his eyes shot back open. He quickly broke the block with Jay.

''What?'' Jay asked him, annoyed.

''You talked to Shawn before?'' Kayden asked him when remembering what his wolf had said before he blocked him out.

Jay sighed and rolled his eyes. He laid down and put his head on his big paws in front of him. ''Yes, I did. Only a few times though. He didn't really want to talk. Grey did instead.'' Jay said and a tear rolled from his eye down his fur. ''He was so funny. Very happy. He was always trying to cheer Shawn up, gave him fashion advice, told him jokes. Just was there for him. We were together often while Shawn was asleep too. Grey was of course hurt too. Many times. But not as bad as Shawn. That was of course until-'' Jay choked on a sob.

Kayden's heart hurt. What had he done. He destroyed his only chance of true love for him, his wolf and his mate. He had even practically killed Grey. ''Jay I-'' Kayden was cut of by Jay's block. He sighed and new tears rolled down his face. He closed his eyes yet again.


Kayden's eyes flew open. He groaned and powered off his alarm. He slowly got up. Kayden dressed up and took his bag. He sighed when he felt that Jay was still blocking him. He trotted down the stairs and exited his house. He unlocked his car and sat in the driver's seat. He started the car and drove himself to school. It was a five minute walk, but he really didn't feel like walking at all.

When he parked his car he walked around the school in search for Zack.

Zack was at his locker, his head in his hands. Kayden slumped beside him. Kayden groaned. He could faintly smell Shawn on Zack. ''Morning.'' he muttered to Zack. Zack just sighed. Then he turned around. ''Hey.''

As the day went by Kayden was growing more and more anxious. He expected his dad to just jump out of somewhere and punish the school in the middle of the classes.

''Having a nice day fuckers?'' Kayden's and Zack's heads whipped up. There stood Liliana with a half-smirk-half-glare kind of face. ''I bet you feel terrible.'' she said in glee. Zack just stared at her. He wished that he was her. She loved Shawn from the start. She was still privileged to see him. She was his best friend and he knew he was supposed to be in her place. Oh how he wished he was.

''Shawn still has Alex you know.'' Chris glared at him mentally. ''He isn't a homophobic asshole like you. I only have one brother now because of you and Kayden.'' he sniffed and blocked him again.

Zack sighed.

Ashley appeared behind Liliana and glared at them too. Then she smiled at her friend. ''C'mon Lil. We're going to be late.'' she pulled her away from the boys.

Kayden closed his eyes. ''Is Chris being harsh on you?'' he asked Zack.

''Yes.'' Zack answered. ''He just blocks me now. And when he doesn't, he talks about Shawn.''

Kayden sighed and tried to clear his head. ''What's the next period?'' he asked Zack who was pressed against his locker again.

''PE.'' Zack said. Then he suddenly groaned. ''I forgot my stuff at home.''

Kayden nodded. ''Go get it then. I'll wait for you here. And if you see Shawn, tell me everything later.''

Zack nodded and bolted out of the building. Kayden took his phone out and looked through his gallery. Not even ten minutes later, a sweating Zack ran into him. Kayden's eyes widened. ''Zack are you okay?'' he asked.

Zack looked up. His face was wet from tears. ''I-no.'' He stuttered.

''What happened?'' Kayden asked him and felt the block being removed.

Zack whimpered. ''Shawn saw me. Then mom talked to me. Shawn started screaming so we ran to see what was happening. Shawn was shaking and crying. He wouldn't stop screaming and trashing around. Mom tried to calm him down but then he-'' Zack choked on his tears.

''He what?'' Kayden asked slowly.

''He-he remembered that he has to choke himself.'' Zack whimpered.

Jay growled and jumped inside of Kayden's head. ''Fuck you you monsters!'' he yelled and blocked Kayden again. Kayden winced and rubbed his temples.

''I-I completely forgot about that.'' Zack said and slid down the wall. ''I did too.'' Kayden whispered while remembering his laughing at Shawn. ''So what happened then?'' he asked.

''Well, dad came in time to stop him.'' Zack said. Then he fell silent. Kayden knew there was more to it, but he didn't push Zack to tell him anything more.

''Okay.'' He told himself since Jay was blocking him. ''Tomorrow, I will try to talk to Shawn. As soon as possible. Though I have time.'' He then pulled himself up and tugged Zack towards their next class.


When he was back in his bed, with only a faint smell of his mate and Jay making him look again at the scenes he created, he thought:

''Good thing the next day was a Friday.''

For Shawn, it was.

For Zack and Kayden, it was going to be too late.

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