Chapter Nine

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I learned a song when I was younger from a friend and up until recently, I thought I had forgotten the tune. It was mournful and heartfelt, but it matched my spirit as of late. I hummed it beneath my breath as I moved through the room and collected the things I had made for the King. The black cloak had been amongst my favorite. I folded them neatly and placed them on the table in the corner.

He was set to leave in three days and my heart was heavy with worry as each minute grew it closer. When Meili was here, I knew my place. I knew who I was to serve, the King. Without him, I would be at the beck and call of the Queen. I knew she had no favor in her heart for me.

"What have you been humming?" Audhild opened the door and floated in the room. She always seemed to be on air and light. Nothing seemed to worry her. "And why are you not in the Hall. We are waiting for you."

"Why am I needed?"

"You are to meet your new guard."

"I do not require a guard."

"I doubt that is for you to decide. Up. King Meili said if he has to wait another minute you are to be punished." Audhild pushed me from the bed and I followed her out into the hall. Two men stood in front of the King. Neither of them I knew. "King Meili." Audhild smiled. "Eydis."

"Thank you." He smirked at her and I felt the pang of jealousy flood my spirit even though I knew there was nothing there. "Eydis." He said. "I introduce you Thorsten the Great. He helped with the efforts in conquering North Anglia."

"Pleasure Thorsten the Great."

"Thorsten is fine." He turned to face me, and my heart dropped into my chest. He was like a God. Meili was handsome but this was remarkable. His chiseled jawline and dimples that shown rattled me. "And the pleasure is all mine." He bowed his head to me momentarily and stood.

"She is a slave, no need to bow." Eira scoffed.

"She is a woman that the King values, therefore I will give her that respect." He quipped.

Small chatter started behind us in the hall. Meili silenced them with the wave of his hand. "Eydis, he is here to be your sentry from now until I return. You are not to be without him."

"King Meili, I am honored but there is no need."

"If you are honored then act like it and thank Thorsten for his service." Every word was intent and harsh as he said them through clenched teeth.

"Thank you," I said quickly.

"Perfect you two are dismissed." Meili turned his attentions back to Eira and the other gentleman that stood there.

"Come we shall take in some fresh air and get a fish or two." Thorsten flourished the way beside him and we walked from the great hall. I was unsure, nervous even as I walked beside him. The looks of the townspeople who adored the Queen barred into me. Thorsten headed to the wooden dock on the outskirts of the kingdom. The water lashed onto the shore, a beautiful contrast to the blue skies overhead. "Do you talk?" He asked.

I nodded my head yes and clasped my hands in front of me.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes." I smiled back at him as he unraveled the rope from the pier.

"Good." He handed me the string with the barbed hook attached. "Tell me about yourself." He held his hand out for me and I took it. With one swift movement, he lifted me from the ground onto the boat and we both took a seat. "Are you from Jutland? Is this your home?"

"I am from Angola," I answered. "From the tribe Bakongo. My mother was a warrior."

"I have never heard of such a place. How are you here?" He rowed the oars through the water and started onto the lake.

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