Chapter Fifteen

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The month passed in a blur, Erik rarely slept, and when he did, I found my peace in dreams, cradling him at my side hoping that the crying would not interrupt. He was demanding, like his father, even when I wanted something else, he got his way. I moved through my hall with Erik swaddled along my chest in a blanket, he liked to sleep when I walked around during the day, it was his way to keep me active, or so Thorsten said often.
"He is sleep, I am guessing?" Thorsten swallowed the ale with his muscles flexed as he stretched and placed the horn cup onto the table. "The little man is attached to you; you've turned him rotten."
"If not me, then Meili, he will not allow him out of his sight when he is here. It's adorable and then also a pain."
"I am sure." 'Thorsten smiled. "You should give him to Audhild, and you and I shall take to the lake, catch sup, and then back to your mothering."
"He is asleep." I retorted, looking down at the honey freckled skin of my son. His little fist wrapped around my necklace. "I do not wish to wake him."
"You have Audhild for a reason, give her the child, grab your net, and allow us to have one moment." Thorsten's voice was steady but still demanding as he cocked his brow at me and waited. He folded his massive arms across his chest and cleared his throat. "Eydis."
"Fine," I groaned with a roll of my eyes and a couple of quick strides to the small crib. I placed Erik in the soft furs and covered him with the blanket. "We cannot be gone for long, Thorsten."
Audhild and Geoffrey entered the room, their hands intertwined, and eyes locked on one another. "We will pay him the utmost attention." She grinned.
"We are sure." Thorsten laughed and opened the door for me. "Come Lady Eydis, stretch your legs for a while. I am certain these two have young Erik under control."
I was sure they had him under control as well. I followed him out to the fields in front of my hall. The vast sea of yellow flowers waved slightly in the breeze, and Thorsten grabbed my hand. I followed him, aimlessly as always to the water and took a seat at the water's edge. I felt safe here, in the place Meili had given me to call my own. No one bothered me, and rarely was I called to the city. "This year for solstice, we're to gather at Uppsala, celebrate the gods there, and shower in their blessings. Are you excited?"
"Excited for what?" I snickered. "These are not my gods, and these are also not Erik's gods. I grown accustomed to this way of life but ceremonial gatherings offer me no happiness. It means nothing to me."
"Not your gods," Thorsten paused. "I often forget the uniqueness of your beauty. Who are you, Eydis?" He turned to me with curious eyes and wide smile. "Are you some sorceress, bound here by a curse? Are you an elf, causing mischief in Midgard?"
"I am Kali." A peace surfaces my face as I say my birth name aloud. "I was a warrior in training," I add, watching his eyebrow cock at me in amusement. "Before the Northman arrived on my shores, I was a princess, and I served my father as a watch guard near the edge of our lands."
"Why have you never told me this before?" he paused. "Hmmm?"
"Because you have never asked me mighty Thorsten. You have always only talked of fate and training. Never have you wanted to know more about me."
"That is not true, never have you seemed so open in giving me these answers. Motherhood has done great things for you, and I will say I am impressed with your growth."
"My growth, you mean the inability to know when to bite my tongue?"
"No, I mean the power you have grown to possess to wield it. It is the most amazing attribute thus far, and it intrigues me."
"What else intrigues you?"
The pads of his fingers touch my chin and then brushes down my lip. "Those eyes, they are the deepest brown I have ever seen, easy to get lost in, easy to watch upon hours."
"You are spilling your lies at me, is this what you do to those adorable women that fawn after you in town? Tell them sweet nothings and get underneath their skirts."
"There goes that sharp tongue of yours." He scoffed and then smiled again. "You think that my words are not sincere?"
"I think you have used them before," I admit, but I was not sure. Women did fawn over Thorsten but never did he offer them any response generally, but the thought of him liking me truly scared me. The fear did not dwell in his ability to do so, but the reaction of Meili. Granted, I was sure that Meili was not a concern of Thorsten's.
"Then you think little of me, which is a pity, especially because I think so highly of you."
"Do you?"
"If you only knew." He whispered.
"You are my closest friend." I spit. "Meili would surely have your head if you were to think anything other than that of me."
"Are you implying that King Meili scares me because my lady, you would be wrong."
"Then what are your intentions, Thorsten?"
"I intend to make sure you become the best version of Kali that you can be, that you are empowered and honored, but most importantly, that you are loved. I fear that Meili has brainwashed you and that you will never know the true definition of love, only his contorted and fucked up thinking of it."
"Meili does love me, and he just does it differently." I defended him, but it felt weird, tumbling from my mouth.
"If that is what you chose to call it, then so be it."
I scoff, pushing Thorsten away playfully and standing from my seat. "You are so arrogant, Thorsten."
"I am not."
"You are so," I chuckled.
"Come here." He pulled me towards him and to his chest. "How does it feel when you kiss Meili?"
"Kiss? It is rare. It feels wonderful, given its rarity."
There was no warning, his soft lips crashed onto mine, and my body was burning. The tingles poured through my fingertips, and my breath stopped. I doubted I could breathe even if I could try. His h groan escaped as he stepped back. "Does it feel like that?"
I could not answer at First, and my eyes locked his stark blue ones. And then it hit me, and I hit him. My hand smacked onto his cheek, and I growled as I lunged at him. "You bastard!" I yipped as he caught me and another kiss followed. I didn't want it to end. I ran my fingers through his short blonde hair and moaned softly. "You have completely overstepped your duties, sir."
"I am to serve you in any way you please." He answered. "But if you hit me again, sweet lady Kali." His teeth tugged at my bottom lip. "I will do more than overstep."
The trees stirred nearby, and Thorsten quickly lowered me to the ground and unsheathed his sword. "Reveal yourself!" He yelled.
Leidolf stepped from the woods with a wide grin on his face. "With pleasure." He jeered.

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