Chapter Twenty Five

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"Good morning, Kiera. How are you doing?" the younger woman who was interviewing and filming me asked.

"I'm splendid. How are you?"

"I'm wonderful. How are you and your family settling in?"

"Great, our daughter is here with us and we are having fun doing this with our friends and crew."

"So we're treating you nicely, then?"

"We love it here," I confirmed with a convincing smile.

I meant what I said, I'm just kind of going through some personal things while trying to work. And it's not always easy, I'm always checking my phone and my watch is always charged and alert. I'm expecting something great to happen, a miracle maybe. But I highly doubt it, not with the streak I've been going with.

"Speaking of here," her accent was so strong she had to talk slowly so I could understand her, "How far along have you come on the new village?"

"Well, we can take a walk through what we have done so far if you'd like?"

"Well, this is all about the process of building the new village. Please, after you." She chuckled.

I started walking toward the village that was aways in front of us, "What do you have planned?"

"Well, I was up late one night and I was trying to think of a way to avoid these floods from happening again."

"So I heard correct when someone told me you're the one who suggested we move more inland and put up the small wall?"

"You did," I said proudly, "But there's more to it than that. We have a protocol we are going by and taking it one day at a time hoping it'll turn out how we planned."

"And how's that going?"

"We aren't behind if that's what you're asking." I giggled, trying to use humor for the video.

"Wonderful, why don't you show me around?" she giggled with me.

We started walking throughout the camp while I went over the new structures of the huts being made and how putting a small barrier around the village plus a taller one closer to the beach would benefit in their favor. I didn't want to reveal too much, only because they decided to turn this into a personal YouTube channel blog last minute instead of a movie.

It was annoying that it was last minute, but it'll be easier to film because I'll get to carry my portable camera around along with my new GoPro seven they insisted I had to film with while I explore around. It'll be easier having one camera guy follow me around with something much smaller and high tech when my hands are busy.

The more views, the more possible donations to go towards this project and future funds that will be needed.

Bravo, Kiera. Taking the easier route.

I walked through and continued answering questions that were being thrown at me. I didn't think it'd be so easy but it seems I have an answer for everything that was a raised concern. It was the goal to make these people believe that this will be the end of their suffering.

"Merci beaucoup d'avoir fait tout ce chemin et d'avoir fait tout ce travail pour nous avec très peu en retour." Thank you so much for coming all this way and doing all this work for us with very little in return. An older woman who was first in line to talk to me greeted me with a tight grip on my hands and didn't let go.

Of course I have Garrett here. Could anyone expect anything less? My protection is my number one safety when I'm away from Matty and Kelia.

"She says, Thank you so much for coming all this way and doing all this stuff for us with very little in return."

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