Chapter Five

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This isn't the first fight Matty and I had since he got home. It sure as hell feels like it though. But we haven't talked all night and I've been sitting at the bar drinking strawberry daiquiris for what had ended up being three hours while playing candy crush on my phone. At least any other time we were fighting I was home and I could keep an eye on both him and Kelia.

Now I want to do nothing but sit here and drink myself into a brain freeze. I don't want to be home playing mother to a grown-ass man. I don't want to go home and argue with him. Everything was so much easier back when it was just Kelia and me.

The days rolled smoother and I wasn't afraid of confrontation. It's different with Matty when he confronts me. He uses anger and guilt when he's confrontational. He only hears what he wants to hear and there's no other story to be heard.

Just like he's doing now.

I've been ignoring Matty's and Luka's calls since I arrived. The only way I'd answer was if it had anything to do with Kelia and Matty would for sure blow up my phone with both texts and calls if something horrible happened.

"Hey, can I get another one?" I asked the young female bartender in front of me. I've had four already, but who's to say five is bad?

"You sure?" she glanced at me. "I hate to be that person but you've got some company watching you." She secretly pointed behind me.

When I glanced over my shoulder I saw the usual paps who followed me around and they were all snapping photos of me while talking low with each other. I turned back to her with a grin on my face, "Lay it on me."

"Alright, chica, whatever you say." She smiled at me, "This one's on the house. You look like you're having a rough night."

"You wouldn't even begin to think." I chuckled at the events that had happened through the night.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's going on?"

"I had a baby my freshman year of high school is what is going on." I don't blame Kelia, not at all. I love her to death and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for her. But if I hadn't had a baby in high at sixteen years old, would I be arguing with Matty at all right now?

"Yeah, I know. And I think it's really bold and brave of you to have her and continue to go to school." She smiled while pouring me the red blended smoothie.

"You think so?" I took a sip from the straw.

"Well, yeah, not a lot of teenagers do that. A lot of them just get an abortion or drop out, but you did what not a lot of people could and you're really fucking successful now. Look at you, a model, an actress, all while being a full time girlfriend and mom." She clacked her glass to mine and took a shot of whiskey.

"Yeah, a full-time girlfriend and mom at the age of twenty two. I should be going over my fucking lines, not arguing with the father of my child." Why am I saying this out loud? I don't even know this girl. "What's your name?"

"They call me Rose, sorry if I'm getting too personal...but I know it's tough. I've raised my sister since I was eleven, I also know it gets difficult around that age. And I know men can be just as stressful as taking care of a child. But in the end, family is everything right?"

"Damn, you're good." How dare she say something I said in an interview and use it against me? I love it. "I like you, Rose."

"Well I'm sure you know, but I am kind of a huge fan of you. So I like you, too." She's great and keeping her emotions in tight.

"What's your Insta?" I picked my phone up from the counter and opened the Instagram app.

"Xoxo-underscore-its-rose." She squealed in excitement.

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