Part 1

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Maheshwari Mansion...

All were seated in the dining room to have break fast.
Simar gave a glass of milk to Anjali:Anjali beta..drink this milk for strength.
Anjali nodded smiling:Ok dadi.
When she took the glass in her hand by mistake the glass slipped a little of her hand.She succeeded in catching the glass.But most of the milk fell on Sameer's pant and shirt.
Sameer stared at Anjali.Anjali got scared.
Sameer shouted at her:How dare you?You spoiled my dress.I am supposed to leave for the meeting.But now I will take more time to leave.
Anjali:I am sorry papa.

 Sameer:After spoiling everything what is the use of saying sorry?

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Sameer:After spoiling everything what is the use of saying sorry?

 Sameer:After spoiling everything what is the use of saying sorry?

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Anjali started crying.
Sameer:You and your fake tears.
Sameer raised his hand to slap her.Suddenly Simar held his hand.
Simar:How could you even think of beating a small innocent child for a mistake she did unknowingly?This is cruelty.
Sameer:What did you say Maa?Anjali is a small innocent child?Seriously?Indira's blood is running in her veins.She is Indira's daughter.She can never be innocent.Other children will be innocent.But unlike other children Anjali will be poisonous like her mother.

All were shocked.
Prem:Krithika...take Anjali inside,
Krithik:Yes papa.
Krithika took Anjali inside.
Suddenly Prem slapped Sameer.Sameer was shocked.
Prem:Are you not ashamed to talk like this about your own daughter?Anjali is not just Indira's daughter,but also your daughter.Don't forget that.You don't deserve to be called as a father.
Sameer:I don't want to be anyone's father also.
Sameer walked away.
Simar burst into tears.
Simar:Premji,see how Sameer is behaving.How can be so stone hearted towards his own daughter?Something is wrong with my upbringing.That's why Sameer became like this.I have failed as a mother.
Prem caressed her face:No Simar.It's not your fault.I know that you are a great mother.Sameer is like this because of his own fault.

Simar went near Anjali.Anjali was crying.
Anjali:Dadi,why papa hates me so much?
Simar felt upset.Simar hugged her.
Simar:No Anjali...papa loves you a lot.It's just that he is short tempered.
Anjali:Why did my mumma leave me and go?Why she also hates me?
Simar:Who said your mumma hates you?She has gone somewhere.That's it.
Anjali:Will my mumma come back?
Simar was silent for a moment.
Anjali:Say dadi.
Simar caressed her:Yes,mumma will come to you.
Anjali's face blossomed:Really?When?
Simar:Very soon.
Anjali hugged Simar happily.

Prem came there with a smile.
Prem:Dadu's little darling come...
Anjali ran towards Prem and hugged him.Prem hugged Anjali.

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