Part 17

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A girl went near Pandit:Panditji,can I dance with you?
Pandit was hesitant:But...
Girl:Please...I am alone.
Pandit:No mention.
They started dancing together.
Pandit:I know that you are our employee.But I am sorry.I could'nt recognize you yet.May I know who you are.

Girl:Sure.I will show you my face.See if you know me or not.
She removed her mask.Pandit could'nt believe his eyes.
It was Preeti.


Pandit:How come you are here?This party is for our colleagues,employees and their spouses.

Preeti:I was invited by Karan.May be because your family considers me as their family member.
Pandit removed his mask.
Pandit:You are just impossible Preeti.Why are you always following me?You lied to me to dance with me.
Preeti:If I had'nt hidden my identity you would'nt have danced with me.
Pandit:It's better not to talk to you.

Preeti:Don't talk to me.I have no problem.I wanted to spend some good moments with you today.It happened.That is more than enough for me.

Pandit walked away in irritation.He went near Karan-Ruhi.
Pandit:Why did you invite Preeti?
Karan:What is the problem bhai?
Pandit:Are you trying to bring us closer?Then it won't happen.
Karan became dull.
Ruhi pulled Pandit to another room.Karan followed them.
Ruhi:You are creating a lot of drama.
Ruhi:Today I want to know what happened between you and Gauri after marriage.I will not allow you to go without saying that.

Pandit went back to his past memories....

Flash back...

Simar gave saree and jewellery to wear this and you both go to our family temple.

GaurI:But Maa..
Suddenly Pandit said:Yes,we will go to the temple Maa.

Giving them a smile ,Simar left.
Gauri:Why should we go to the temple Pandit?I don't believe in God.I lost faith in God after what happened between me and Vivek.
Pandit:Why should you stop believing in God Gauri?What if God did this to you for your betterment?May be God saved you from a cheater like Vivek.Or do you think that God did wrong to you by getting you married to me?

Gauri felt upset:No Pandit.You are the best thing which happened to me.
Pandit smiled emotionally.
Gauri:You are right.I should actually thank God for showing me Vivek's real face and getting me married to a nice person like you.I will get ready to go to the temple.
Pandit smiled.

Pandit:But we could'nt go to the temple as Gauri fell sick.Our temple visit must have been blocked as we were not destined to be blessed by God.Many people said that it is a bad omen.But I did not mind it.But it came true.After that a storm entered our life which ruined our relationship.
Ruhi:What happened?
Sameer-Naina came.
Sameer:What are you guys going here?Come for dinner.Yummy cuisine is arranged.
Pandit:We are coming.
They all went to have dinner.After dinner they all went back home.

After a week...

All were having break fast...
Sanjana and Anjali tried to open the ketch up bottle and it got spilled over Sameer's shirt.Everyone got tensed thinking about Sameer's reaction.
Sameer:I will change my shirt and come.

Sameer walked to his room.All were relieved.
Simar:What a change in Sameer!Earlier he used to shout at kids.But now he has turned a little more softer.
Prem:Ya..I also noticed it.Anyways it's a good change.

Naina smiled.
Naina said in his mind:How long will you suppress your love for kids due of ego?Start expressing your love to the kids Sameer.I know that those days are not near.You will start showering love upon them very soon.I know that.

Sanjana was sleeping.
Anjali said to Naina:Mumma...i need colour pencils.Shall we go out for shopping?
Naina:Mumma has a little more work to finish.After that I will take you for shopping.Ok?
Sameer who was listening to it said:But by that time the shop will be closed.
Naina:Oh...then I will take Anjali to the shop now.

then I will take Anjali to the shop now

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Sameer:But you have work.Right?It's ok.You continue doing your work.I will take her for shopping.
Naina was stunned.
Naina:What?You will take Anjali for shopping?
Naina:Are you sure?
Sameer:Yes,why can't I take her for shopping?
Naina:Ok,you take her for shopping.

Sameer smiled.
Naina:Anju beta..papa will take you for shopping.
Anjali was surprised:Really?
Anjali:Thank you papa.
Anjali kissed Sameer's cheek.
Sameer was stunned,Naina got tensed about his reaction.
But surprisingly Sameer smiled.

Sameer:I will get ready and come.
Sameer went to the dressing room.Naina smiled.
Naina:Sameer has really softened towards children.He is able to control his temper now.But he has to start reciprocating his feelings and respond to the love gestures of the kids.

Sameer took Anjali to the shop.Anjali selected colour pencils.He saw a cute water bottle there.
Anjali was hesitant to take it as she was scared whether Sameer will scold her.
Understanding that Sameer asked you want this?
Anjali nodded her head.
Sameer:Do you want anything else?
She was silent.
Sameer:You pick up whatever you want.

Anjali was very happy.She selected many things.
Sameer paid the bill.
They both went out of the shop. stand here.I will bring the car here.
Sameer went to take the car.
Anjali saw a stray dog on the middle of the road and a car passing by.She got scared whether the car will hit the dog and ran towards the dog.But unfortunately the car hit her.Sameer who reached there was shocked to see it.
He screamed:Anjaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Sameer ran towards Anjali taking her in his arms.He was crying bitterly.
A man and a woman came out of the car.They were none other than Indira and Siddharth.

PunarVivah2 ..Remarriage... SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now