Part 7

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Here is the New year gift from me friends

Pakhi prepared sweets to celebrate the happiness of upcoming wedding of Sameer-Naina.
Pakhi fed sweets to Sanjana,Ruhi and Naina.Sanjana and Naina left the room. fed sweets to Sanju and Naina.But not me.
Pakhi felt like laughing.
Pakhi:Dear you know how old you are?

Anshuman:What does my age have to do with this?What if I am not young?All are saying that I look like Naina's elder brother.
Pakhi felt like laughing.
Pakhi:But that does'nt change your age.You are not a kid.Why should I feed a kid?
Anshuman:That's so mean.You should feed me also.

Pakhi:I read that if we feed husbands they will get spoiled.They will have the habit of being fed by the wife daily.
Anshuman:Which fool wrote like that?

Pakhi was controlling her laughter.
Anshuman:The fact is that wives feeding their husbands will only increase their love.

Pakhi smiled:You are really a cute kid Anshu.
She fed him the sweet with her own hand.

His face blossomed.
Anshuman:When you feed me this sweet is even more sweeter.
She blushed.
Anshuman also fed her sweet.
Naina who was watching it from behind thought:Maa and papa are still young in love.I wish Sameer and I are like this.

Flash back...

Naina was reading a book in the library.Suddenly Sameer came towards her:Hey baby doll...
Naina:Sameer...don't disturb me.I am collecting points for my assignment.
Suddenly Sameer said:Cockroach!
Naina saw a cockroach near by and got up from the seat all of a sudden in fear.

Sameer:Did you get scared of the cockroach?
Naina was sweating due to fear:No.
Sameer giggled:That's why I told you not to come to this old college library of ours.There will be many such insects.
Naina:But for studies we have to come here na.

Sameer:You stop studying.Problem solved.

Naina hit his shoulder:Bad joke.
Naina realized that the cockroach has disappeared.
Naina:Wow...the cockroach has gone.
Sameer:For the first time I am seeing a girl who is happy like this as a cockroach has gone.

 Sameer:For the first time I am seeing a girl who is happy like this as a cockroach has gone

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Naina:Sameer..stop teasing me.
They both giggled.


Naina:I hope those cute moments will come back in our life Sameer.

Pandit was busy drumming and enjoying.He was immersed in it.

Karan went near him:Pandit bhai!
Pandit stopped playing drums.

Karan:There is a happy news.Naina agreed to get married to Sameer bhai.

Pandit went near Sameer.
Pandit:Wow..that's a happy news.Now itself let me go and congratulate Sameer.

Pandit:I am really happy for you Sameer.Finally you and Naina are going to be one.Actually I always wanted you both to be a couple.But unfortuntely you both never fell in love.
Sameer:Don't be happy Pandit.Because we will never fall in love.I am doing this wedding only because of Maa's emotional blackmailing.Maa needs a caretaker for Anjali.Naina will be Anjali's caretaker.
Pandit was stunned.
Pandit:This is a chance to reform Sameer.Try to change.Naina will be your wife.Give her a wife's position,not a caretaker's.
Sameer:I am not like you to forgive the cheater wife
someone who insulted my feelings.Your wife cheated you.Still you love her immensely.But I can't.
Pandit:Don't pull my wife into it.We are talking about something else.
Sameer said sarcastically:Still if somebody talks ill of your cheater wife you get hurt.You are great.But sorry,I can't be like this and I don't want to be great like you.
Pandit:First of all it was not cheating.I understood her situation very well and let her go.She did'nt leave me.

Sameer:But even if she had'nt left you she would have kept cheating you in your room.
Pandit:Stop it Sameer.Leave it.What about Naina's daughter?
Sameer:Naina and Kartik's daughter.
Pandit:Kartik left them long ago.He has no right to be her father.You will be her father.
Sameer:Sorry Pandit.I am not great enough to be a father to that devil Kartik's daughter.I can't even be her caretaker.
Pandit was shocked.
Pandit:But she is Naina's daughter also.
Sameer:Even if she is Naina's daughter my attitude towards her is not going to change as Naina is the woman I hate the most after Indira.Naina insulted me...beat me infront of everyone,I can never forget it.
Pandit was shocked.
Pandit:You hate Naina this much?You are doing a big mistake Sameer.Forget the past as Naina regrets hurting you.She realized her mistake.Forgive her.Naina is going to take care of your daughter Anjali.She deserves respect.
Sameer:Even if Naina does'nt take care of Anjali it is fine for me as I never considered Anjali as my daughter as she is born in the womb of that vamp Indira.
Pandit was really getting irritated.
Pandit:Don't destroy yourself Sameer.
Sameer looked at Pandit emotionally:I have been destroyed long ago Pandit.You know that.You had undergone the same situation.But you are strong.I am not strong.
Pandit felt upset and hugged him.Sameer's eyes were wet.

Simar was decorating the guests hall for the engagement.Dust fell into her eyes.She was feeling irritation in her eyes.She closed her eyes.Suddenly someone held her face.
Prem:How did you know that its me without seeing my face.
Simar:I don't want to see your face to identify you.When you are near me itself I can feel it.
Prem smiled.He blew air into her eyes.

She opened her eyes with a smile.
Prem:Are you alright?
Simar:Yes Premji.I am perfectly alright.
Krithika and Vivan watched it with a smile.
They went back to their bedroom.
Simar:How is the decoration?
Prem became dull:Nice.But...because of Sameer's present behaviour I don't feel excited about the upcoming engagement.
Simar:Premji...why are you getting upset unknowingly.A wedding is going to take place in our house...your own son's wedding.You are supposed to be happy.

Prem:I know that Simar.But I feel nervous.This marriage is not going to be easy.
Simar:In every marriage there are hurdles.I am sure that Mata Rani will help Sameer and Naina to overcome all the hurdles.
Prem:Let Matarani hear your prayer.I can only say this much.
He walked out.Simar became dull.

PunarVivah2 ..Remarriage... SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now