Part 5

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Naina came running towards Sameer.She was panting.
Naina:Sameer,I want to share a happy news with you.
Sameer:Cool.But you relax Naina.You are panting.
Naina:That's because I came running towards you in excitement.
Sameer:What's the matter Naina?Say.
Naina blushed:Kartik proposed me.

Naina blushed:Kartik proposed me

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Sameer was shocked.
His lips shivered:What was your reply?
Naina blushed:I told him that I also love him.
Sameer was shocked.
Sameer:Are you mad?Kartik is cheating on you.He loves Sherlyn.I saw him with Sherlyn in a very shameless situation in the park.
Naina was shocked.
Naina:What are you saying Sameer?
Sameer:Yes Naina.I am saying the truth.Kartik and Sherlyn are having an affair.
Naina:No..I am sure that it's your misunderstanding.
Sameer:No Naina.I saw it with my eyes.
Naina:If Kartik loves Sherlyn why should he propose me?
Sameer:He is doing two timing.Don't fall into his trap Naina,

Naina was in tears:But ...
Sameer cupped her face:Naina...just stay away from Kartik.Don't let me come closer to you.He is not trust worthy.Understand?
Naina nodded crying.Sameer wiped her tears.
Sameer:Don't cry for that loser.
Naina was silent.

Kabir and Ruchika were in the canteen munching snacks.
Kabir:How was Prof.Singhania's class?
Ruchika:As usual..intolerable.
Kabir:I also felt so.I felt that I eloped from a prison when his class got over.
Ruchika:But one thing is true.No one is as entertaining as him.His way of talking and facial expressions are damn funny.
Kabir:Like a drama artist.
They both laughed.

Suddenly Ruchika's face became dull

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Suddenly Ruchika's face became dull.
Ruchika:No Kabir.We should not tease him.After all he is our teacher.He is taking effort to teach us.
Kabir:You are right Roo.How could we forget that he is our teacher?We shall not repeat it.
Ruchika:Yes..we will not repeat it.
With a smile they continued having food.

Bela's birthday party...

Mahir,Pandit,Sameer and all their friends were there.
Bela blew the candles

and cut the cake.

Mahir fed her the cake.

Bela:That's so sweet of you Mahir.
Mahir:Happy birthday sweet heart...

All were enjoying.
But Pandit's eyes were on Gauri.Suddenly the boy who was with Gauri in the park came towards Gauri:Hi Sweet heart...
Gauri's face blossomed:I was waiting for you.
Bela:Hey guys..let me introduce a new member of our family.This is Vivek..Gauri's love.

Vivek-Gauri smiled.

Pandit was broken into pieces.Pandit thought that he will faint.But Ruhi held his hand tight to give him strength.
Pandit took his hand off Ruhi:Don't worry Ruhi.I am ok.
Ruhi:No,you are not.

PunarVivah2 ..Remarriage... SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now