Part 11

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A man reached Indira's house.

Her face blossomed seeing him.She went and embraced him.

Indira:Missed you Siddhanth.

He looked at her with a smile:Missed you too.

Indira and Siddhanth were sipping cocktail.

Sid:Tell me Indira..why are you so depressed?

Indira:Sameer is getting married.I went to meet him and his fiancee.I got insulted.How could Sameer do that?

Sid:I can't understand one thing.You left Sameer years back.Whether he gets married or not what's your problem?Why does it affect you?

Indira:I left Sameer to fulfill my dream.Now my career is also ruined as younger models came.I realized Sameer's importance.I did a big mistake by leaving Sameer.

Sid:What rubbish!

Indira:I really mean it Siddhanth.I miss Sameer.His love was so passionate.I myself left everything.I am such a big fool.Now my own daughter will call another woman 'Maa'.I can't tolerate it.
Sid:But you only left your daughter.If you wanted her to consider you as her mother why did you leave her?

If you wanted her to consider you as her mother why did you leave her?

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Indira:I did a blunder.What to do?I even tried to stop the wedding by meeting his fiancee .But that also did'nt work.

Siddhanth was shocked:What?You tried to stop his wedding?

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Siddhanth was shocked:What?You tried to stop his wedding?


Sid:Are you crazy?How did you think that Sameer will not marry her or she will not marry Sameer?They all hate you.So you cannot manipulate them in any way.And Sameer will never

Indira:But I can't bear it.

Sid:And Sameer will never accept you.

Indira:But he loves me a lot.

Sid:He used to love you.But not now.He loved you like anything.But you broke his heart.He will never trust you and accept you back.

Indira's heart was pierced.

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