Part 16

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Karan was in his cabin.Suddenly Ruhi opened it and barged in.
Karan was surprised:Ruhi...
Suddenly Ruhi embraced him crying.

Karan was shocked:What happened Ruhi?Why are you crying?

She did not say anything because of continuous sobbing.
In order to comfort her he embraced her back.

Karan:Tell me Ruhi...what happened?
Ruhi:My Boss tried to misbehave with me.He threatened me that he will fire me if I don't surrender to him.
Karan was shocked.
Karan became very upset:Ruhi..I hope you are alright now.

Ruhi:But he was very bad to me.
Karan:And you cried and left?
Ruhi:I got scared Karan.I just wanted to escape from him.I beat him with my slippers.
Karan:I understand Ruhi.In such situations any girl would be scared.

Good that you beat him with slippers.He deserved it.But now you should not keep quiet.You are a bold girl.You should fight back.

Ruhi:But how?I feel like killing him.

Karan:No need of killing him and get yourself jailed.Just ring up and inform the police.He needs the worst punishment from the law.

Ruhi:You are right Karan.
Ruhi rang up and informed the police.

After that Karan-Ruhi went to the police station directly and complained against her Boss.
He got arrested also.
Ruhi was relieved.
Ruhi:Thank you Karan for supporting me.I hope he will be punished by the court.

Karan:You will get justice.We will win the case.
She smiled.
Karan:Ruhi,since you don't want to continue working there why don't you join our office?
Ruhi:But Karan..I want a job only based on my capability,not on the basis of friendship.

Karan:No Ruhi.we all know how talented you are.I am calling you to our company only because of your talent.I know you since a long time.Join our office Ruhi.
Ruhi thought for a while and said with a smile:Yes.

Karan became very happy:Welcome to our office Ruhi.
She smiled.

Knowing this incident from Pakhi Anshuman was very angry.
Anshuman:How did he get the courage to behave like that with my daughter?This is why I told Ruhi to join our office.So that she will be safe.
Pakhi:But Anshuman...our Ruhi is safe.Ruhi chose to work in another company as she wants to be independant.She fought back courageously and now she has joined the best office.Karan and Pandit are there.
Anshuman:You are right.It's good that Ruhi has become strong enough to fight against all this.

Anshuman and Pakhi went to Ruhi's room.Anshuman caressed Ruhi's head emotionally while she was working on the laptop.
Ruhi:Maa told you about the bitter incident I faced in the office.Right?That's why you look upset.Don't worry dad.I am alright.Everything is fine.

Anshuman smiled slightly:Ok beta.Take care.
Ruhi:Yes papa.

Sameer was stunned to see Sanjana and Anjali on the bed.
Sameer:Why they are here today also?
Naina:Not only tonight,every night they will sleep with us.
Sameer was shocked:But why?
Naina:Because they are our kids and they have to be with their parents also.
Sameer:What the!
Naina:If you have any problem you sleep down.
Sameer:Why should i sleep down?
Naina:Then you sleep outside.
Sameer:Why should i?This is my room and I will sleep here only.I am taking this as a challenge.
Naina smiled:Good challenge.
Sameer lay down on the bed.
Naina said in her mind:I wanted you to sleep here itself taking it as a challenge.
Naina:Children...sleep well.
Anjali:Mumma..I have a doubt.
Sanjana:Mumma..I also have a doubt.

Naina:What doubt?
They both kept asking doubts to Naina and Naina kept solving their doubts.
Then Naina and th kids got into a funny pillow fight.
Sameer opened his eyes:Such a big nuisance.Not giving me peace of mind.
Naina and the kids laughed and continued their pillow fight.Sameer felt that his head was spinning.
During the pillow fight Naina got tilted and fell over Sameer.
Sameer got angry:What nonsense!

Naina thought:Usually when the wife falls on top of the husband a romantic eye lock takes place.But here the husband is shouting at the wife.Unromantic kadoos.
Sameer:What is this?Your weight is too much for me to bear.You better lose your weight.
Naina whispered:So if I lose my weight I can sit on your body like this?
Sameer got embarrassed.Naina smirked.
Sameer yelled at her:Get away from me.
Naina moved away from Sameer.
Sanjana:Mumma..why papa is angry?
Anjali:Papa is always Angry Sanju.
Naina:Don't worry children.I have a solution to this anger issue.A good medicine to remove anger from your father and make your him laugh.
Sanjana,Anjali:What medicine?
Naina looked at Sameer.
Sameer:What medicine are you going to give me Naina?Did you consult any doctor to talk about my anger?
Naina felt like laughing.
Naina:To cure your anger disease I don't have to consult any doctor as I know what medicine is need for that.
Naina came closer to Sameer.Sameer moved backward.Suddenly Naina started tickling Sameer.Anjali and Sanjana also started tickling Sameer.Sameer lost his control and started laughing.Seeing Sameer laugh they all laughed.

Suddenly Sameer came back to senses and stopped laughing.
Naina noticed that.
Naina:Kids are very innocent Sameer.Laugh with them,be happy with them.
Without saying anything Sameer went to bed switching off the light.
Sameer:All of you sleep.
They all lay down on the bed quietly to sleep.

Ruhi joined the Maheshwari office.Pandit,Sameer and Karan welcomed Ruhi.
Pandit:Here you are safe.
Ruhi:I know..when you all are there with me I will be safe.

Sameer:Ok guys,I will catch you guys later.
Sameer went away.
Pandit:If you need anything don't call me.but call Karan.
Pandit giggled:Because Karan needs you the most.
Ruhi and Karan looked at each other shyly.

Pandit entered his cabin.He was surprised to see flowers there.
He was reminded of his past.

Flash back....

Pandit kept flowers in their bedroom to surprise Gauri.But shockingly Gauri got angry.
Gauri:How dare you hurt my feeling?How could you ridicule me like this?
Gauri raised her hand shocking Pandit.He held her hand.
Pandit:What happened to you Gauri?For such a silly thing you raised your hand?I can't believe it.
Gauri:I had told you that Vivek trapped me in his fake love through these flowers.You brought the same flowers and kept in our room just to hurt me?I never expected this from you Pandit.
Pandit:First of all i had forgotten about the flower thing as your shallow love story with Vivek does'nt matter to me.For me it's phase which we both need to forget.Just because Vivek gave you flowers with fake love it does'nt mean that these flowers are also horrible.These flowers are beautiful.Unlike Vivek these flowers were kept by me for you with pure love.I did'nt have any wrong intention.Trust me Gauri.
Gauri felt guilty.

Gauri:I am sorry Pandit.I misunderstood you.It's because... my past love has made me so mad that I started viewing everything with suspicion.
Pandit:It's ok Gauri.But don't hate everything related to your past.Some are beautiful and will always remain so.
Gauri:Ya...thanks for tolerating me patiently Pandit.If it was someone else,I would have been kicked out.
Pandit:Don't say like that Gauri.
Gauri took a flower smelling it.
Gauri:You are right.I should not hate these beautiful creations of God and release my anger on them.Thank you Pandit for these beautiful flowers.
He smiled.


Pandit:The same flowers which are my favourite also.But who kept them here?
He heard a voice:Turn back to see who kept them here.
He turned back.He could not believe his eyes.It was Preeti.
Pandit:You? liked the flowers.Right?How is my surprise?

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