Part 18

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Anjali saw a stray dog on the middle of the road and a car passing by.She got scared whether the car will hit the dog and ran towards the dog.But unfortunately the car hit her.Sameer who reached there was shocked to see it.
He screamed:Anjaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Sameer ran towards Anjali taking her in his arms.He was crying bitterly.
A man and a woman came out of the car.They were none other than Indira and Siddharth.
Sameer was shocked to see Indira.
Sameer:What did you do Indira?You tried to kill your own daughter?

Indira was shattered.
Indira:No Sameer.I did'nt do it purposefully.How can I think about harming my own daughter?

Siddharth:Sameer...Indira is saying the truth.All of a sudden when Anjali came in between she tried to put the brake..but...

Without listening to them Sameer took Anjali to the hospital.

All Maheshwaris and Agarwals were crying.

Pakhi:Though Anjali is not my blood I never differentiated her from Sanju.I can't bear this Anshuman.
Anshuman caressed her:I know Pakhi.Anjali is also our grand daughter.God will never let anything happen to her.
Sanjana kept asking Naina:Where is Anjali?
Naina tried hard to suppress her tears to not let Sanjana know about Anjali's condition.
Ruhi embraced Karan and cried.
Ruhi:What's happening Karan?Why evil eyes are falling on our happiness?

Karan was upset,silent and numb.

Vivan was struggling hard to console Krithika.
Vivan:Krithika...nothing will happen to our Anju.Have faith in God.
Rishab was sobbing silently.
Kabir embraced Ruchika to console her.
Prem-Simar were crying.
Prem:It is our fault to trust Sameer.He has no feelings for his own daughter.That's why he did'nt care about Anjali.Anjali is in this condition only because of Sameer.
Simar:I thought Sameer has changed.But he is only bothered about himself.That's why he did'nt care about Anjali.How did Sameer become so selfish?

Sameer was hurt listening to it.
Sameer:Trust me...I never intend to...
Prem:You proved that you don't love your own daughter.You are heartless.I am ashamed to say that you are my son.
Sameer's heart was pierced.
Naina came near them:Papa..mummiji...Sorry to say this...but I support Sameer as I know that he never wanted to be careless..he wanted to protect Anjali..what happened was fate.Because I know how much Sameer loves Anjali.
Sameer looked at Naina in disbelief.
Naina:You cannot blame Sameer like this papa.I trust Sameer and his love for both his kids.
Prem-Simar looked at Naina painfully.
Sameer looked at Naina emotionally.
He walked away from there.Naina followed him.
Sameer was broken into tears:It is my fault.I put my own daughter into danger.

I put my own daughter into danger

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Naina:No Sameer.You did'nt do it purposefully.

Sameer:I never ever gave love to Anjali.I have always hurt her.But when I realized what a big mistake did to Anjali she ....
Naina:No Sameer.Anjali will be fine to be loved more and more by you.
Sameer was silent.
They embraced each other crying.

The nurse came:The patient needs blood.
Sameer:I will give blood.I am her father.
Nurse:Need to take your blood sample to see if your blood can be donated or not.

After some time...

Prem asked the nurse:If blood is needed I can arrange.
Nurse:No need.The patient's father has already donated blood.
Naina:Why are you shocked papa?Anjali is Sameer's daughter and Sameer loves her.So he donated his blood.Now what proof do you want to believe Sameer's love for Anjali?
Prem-Simar were upset.
Sameer stood before God's idol and prayed:God ...please save Anjali.If you want to punish me for my deeds punish me.But please don't punish our innocent Anjali.If you save Anjali,I swear that I will give her all the love which she deserves.
Prem-Simar watched it from behind painfully.
They both went near Sameer and hugged him.
Prem:Sorry beta...I misunderstood you.please forgive me. are not at fault papa.My behaviour was so bad that no one will believe my present state.
Simar:Don't worry beta.Anjali will be fine.
Naina looked at them emotionally.
Indira and Siddharth came near them.
Indira:How is Anjali?
Prem:After causing her accident what do you want to know now?
Ruchika:How dare you come here before us shamelessly?You should be put behind bars.
Kabir:Roo..control your anger.It's a hospital.

PunarVivah2 ..Remarriage... SamAina FFWhere stories live. Discover now