Part 20

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The person Indira met was Karthik.

Flash back...

Karthik rang up Indira.
Indira:Now I have no deal with you.You don't need to separate Sameer and Naina.
Karthik became dull:Then what about my money?
Indira:If you don't have to do any work for me why should I give you money?
Karthik could not tolerate it.
Karthik:So you want to avoid me.But i need my money.
Indira:Why should I give you money?
Karthik:To shut my mouth.If you don't give me 50 lakhs I will tell Sameer and Naina that you only sent me to their house to create misunderstandings between them.If I tell them you can imagine the consequences.They may even get you arrested for your cheap tricks.

Karthik laughed insanely.Indira was shocked.
Karthik:To avoid that come and meet me with money.
Indira:Ok.I will come.


Karthik:Finally you came to give me money.Good.Without any delay hand over the money.
Indira took cash cheque and threw it at his face.
Indira:Take your money and don't show your dirty face to me again.

Karthik chuckled.

Indira walked away.

Karan rang up Ruhi.
Ruhi:Ya..say Karan.
Karan:I was thinking that...
Ruhi:What were you thinking?

Karan:Shall we go for a movie?
Ruhi:Another movie date?
Karan smiled:Ya.
Ruhi:Ok done.I will get ready as I love watching movies.
Karan:I will wait.

Karan-Ruhi went to the movie theatre,While watching the movie Ruhi was engrossed in the movie but Karan's eyes rolled over her.

Karan moved closer to her sticking onto her.Ruhi felt his skin on her body and blushed.She was enjoying it.

Indira-Siddharth were sitting together.
Sid:Are you mad to give such a big amount to Karthik?Your career is not doing well now.And you spent your savings on that fraud?
Indira:Then what can I do?He really trapped me.If I did'nt give him money he would have told them the truth.

Sid:We could have complained to the Police.

Indira:How can we complain to the Police when I am at fault?What I did is a criminal act in front of law.And you supported me.You will also be caught by the police.
Sid:Oh.But I don't trust Karthik.I feel that he will not leave us that easily.
Indira:But if he again tries to cause problems I will not spare him.He will see my real face.
Sid smiled slightly.

Vivan-Krithika coloured each other sensually

and they shared an intense eye lock.

Kabir and Ruchika pasted colour on each other romantically.


and Anshuman-Pakhi also colored each other and wished each other a Happy Holi.
Karan was sitting and waiting for Ruhi.Ruhi sat behind him.He did not not realize it.
Karan:Where has Ruhi gone?

Ruhi:Karan..I am here.
He turned back.His face blossomed seeing Ruhi.
Karan:Happy Holi Ruhi.
Ruhi:Happy Holi Karan.
Ruchika and Kabir were observing them.
Ruchika:These 2 will never express what's there in their mind.They have to confess their love at least today.
Kabir:How are you going to make them confess their love?

Ruchika winked at him:Bhaang!
Kabir:Great idea.
Ruchika and Kabir gave 2 glasses of bhaang to Karan-Ruhi.
Kabir:Without bhaang ,there is no fun on Holi.
Ruchika:It's Holi...enjoy.
Karan-Ruhi drank bhaang.
They threw colour on each other and laughed.

Kabir:These people have gone crazy.They are behaving like kids.

Ruchika:Be patient Kabir.

Slowly they came closer.
Karan:Can I tell you something?
Ruhi:Say fast Karan.My heart is craving to hear that.
Karan:My heart beats fast when you come near me.Because I love you the same way I loved you years back.
Ruhi smiled cutely:I also love you Karan..I love you so much that I can only see you everywhere.
Karan pulled her closer romantically.
They shared a romantic eye lock.

Ruchika was really excited:Hey..we won in our mission to make them confess their love.

Kabir and Ruchika showed thumbs up to each other.

Sameer-Naina put colour on Sanjana and Anjali slightly wishing them a Happy Holi.
Naina:Happy Holi Sameer.
Sameer:Happy Holi Naina.But without applying colours what Holi?

Naina put colour on his cheeks.Sameer was lost in her magical touch.
He took the colour powder bowl in his hand and moved towards Naina.
Naina:No Sameer.You know that I am not comfortable with these colours.

Sameer cupped her face in his hands:Don't worry baby doll.You will feel nice.

You will not feel any kind of discomfort.

He kept the bowl on a corner and moved closer to her face.She could feel his breath on her face.
Her lips shivered:Sameer!

Sameer brushed her cheeks with his his.She was lost in his romantic touch.She closed her eyes feeling that magical moment.

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