Chapter 22

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You woke up with someone's arms around your waist and turned around to see Liam. You smiled to yourself when you saw him sleeping but then remembered that he was still holding you.

Your thoughts

Aww he so cute... wait... what about Anthony I love him! But... ugh why did he have to kiss my sister! I can't do anything with Liam... but then again he's probably fucking around with my sister.. ugh!!! I think I have trust issues because of him.. ah fuck it he can't tell me what to do.

You flipped back over still in Liam's arms and pretended to go to sleep until he woke up.

You slowly started to hear shifting from beside you and turned around to se Liam starting to open him eyes.

L - shit sorry...

He let go of you and moved over a bit and you instantly felt cold air rush over you which made you shiver a bit.

Y/n - morning!

L - you to... how long have you been awake for?

Y/n - umm.. since just now?

L - oh... k, I was thinking we should go out for breakfast today if you want?

You rolled over and checked the time which said that it was 8:15am.

Y/n - yea sure should like fun!

L - yes! Uhm... I mean yea cool, be ready at 9?

Y/n - sounds good imma just go and have a shower and get changed

L - k see you soon!

You grabbed your clothes and walking into the bathroom. You turned on the hot water and moved out of the way so the cold water wouldn't splash on you when it was heating up. Once you got in you felt the hot water fall down your back and stood there for a couple of seconds before putting shampoo and conditioner into your hair and getting out to dry yourself off and then put on your outfit.

( your outfit )

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( your outfit )

You walked out of the shower into the kitchen where Liam was waiting for you.

L - you ready?

Y/n - yup lets go!

You guys said bye to Margret and you hopped into his car and left. He drove to Starbucks and you guys got out and ordered your food before he drove to a really cute spot for you guys to get out and eat it.

Y/n - where did you find this spot?

L - there's a lot of pretty spots like this around the area

Y/n - I swear you know all the good spots!

L - I mean I have lived here for a long time...

You guys are your food in a peaceful silence listening to the birds and bugs in the trees. And then you took some cute photos for you to post on your instagram.

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