Chapter 26

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Anthony                                           Y/n


You waited for a little while without getting a message so you decided to leave it and go see Alexa and Jaden. as soon as you got downstairs you saw Alexa and Jaden making out on the couch.

y/n - get a room!

they turned around to look at you before you all laughed and bear came running up to you.

Y/n - hey bear bear how are you?

he looks up at you and tilts his head before looking towards his bowl that is empty.

Y/n - aww do you just want some food, come here I'll give you some since No ONE else in here cares!

you say that loud enough for both Jaden and Alexa to hear. They both turned their heads to look to you.

Al - I was just about to do that!

Y/n - mhm sure...

you both laugh and you get some food for both the dogs before heading back into the kitchen. you hear footsteps behind you and you turn around to see Alexa.

Al - hey i got some good news... Anthony isn't dead so your sister is a lying bitch!

y/n - honestly at this point i don't even that is good news or bad...

al - come on y/n... you know that it is good..

y/n - i know.. but i texted him this morning and he didn't even reply back what else am i supposed to think.. he obviously doesn't like me anymore and it sucks.. b-because i think i might love him still but he doesn't...

Al - Y/n don't say that he obviously does did you see his instagram post he want YOU y/n!

y/n - i don't know... can we not talk about it?

Al - yeah sure.. well me and jade were thinking about going shopping if you wanted to come?

y/n - umm i think i might just take the dogs on a run to clear my head and then just come back here later..

Al - alright well we will see you soon and if anything happens call me and ill be back here immediately!

Y/n - yeah yeah alright you go have fun!

she walks back to Jaden and they both stand up and walk out the door.

J - bye y/n!

y/n - cya!

They all walked out the door and then you start to get ready for your run. as you are walking down the stairs you hear the front door open and Linda walks in.

L - hey sweetie!

she walks over and gives you a big hug.

L - how are you?

y/n - i'm doing good i was just about to go for a run

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