i was made to love her, worship & adore her

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had a childhood sweetheart we were always hand in hand i wore high-top shoes & shirt tails suzy was in pig tails i knew i loved her even then

The Boyce/McClain Christmas traditions started the first year Cameron and China met each other. Their first together was definitely the best as China and Cameron were allowed to stay up and wait for Santa.  Of course, this was only allowed because their parents just figured they'd fall asleep around 9.

China and Cameron sat on the floor of his living room, sharing a cozy blanket. Cameron liked the way the light hit her skin so they sat right in front of the fireplace. It was their only source of light besides the twinkling tree which was okay because they didn't want Santa to know they were up.

"What time do you think he gets to California?"

"That's a good question," China shrugged because she had no idea.

"Do you think he'll be mad once he sees we're up?" Cameron asked, tucking in a loose end of her headscarf.

"He has to know we want to meet him. I mean, it is Santa. He should understand,"

Both kids finished off their tea (it was secretly chamomile) and put their mugs on the coffee table behind them.

"I'm so happy you got to come over, China. It's been fun and I know tomorrow is going to be even better."

"I'm glad I came over too. I like hanging out with you. And tomorrow I can't wait to eat. I'm so excited."

"Same. I'm more excited about food than the presents."

"Speaking of... it's midnight! I can give you your gift." China ran over to her bag and pulled out a rectangle-shaped present topped with a bow. She wrapped it herself.

"I got you something too," Cameron said crawling to the tree where piles and piles of presents laid.

The two took their spot back in front of the fireplace and exchanged gifts.

"You got me my favorite video game!"

"A crown! It's so pretty!"

"Thank you!" They both said at the same time before wrapping their arms around each other. They pulled away slowly and smiled at one another.

After looking into each other's souls  for a few seconds, they both leaned in cautiously. Cameron closed his eyes, then China, and together they shared their first kiss. It was innocent and quick and the magic of it all shook them both.

8-year-old Cameron's face was red as a cherry once they opened their eyes and China's heart was fluttering. The butterflies and fireworks went on well after the kiss, stressing them both out in the best way.

"Wow," was all she could say.

"Yeah, wow," he said touching his lips.

Silently deciding not to speak of it again, they got under the blanket and went on watching the fireplace. Five minutes later, sleep threatened the both of them- clear side effects of the tea Shontell stirred up.

"Do you think if we take a quick nap we'll miss him?"  Cameron yawned.

"No, I think we'll hear him." China yawned too out of habit.

"You're right, falling asleep won't hurt especially since we're not that tired."

Cameron stretched out on the furry rug they were sitting on and smoothed out their blanket. China laid down too and turned on her side. Cameron scooted up behind her, letting her be the little spoon though she was taller. China grabbed the hand he had placed on her tummy and closed her eyes. They both drifted off into a deep sleep that carried them until breakfast time.

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