16. where we belong

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so hold on we got our wings & we're chasing the wind
farewell to all the places that we have been
and if it takes us all night long
we're going back where we belong

"Ah yeah, that's good," China said throwing her head back. "Right there,"

Cameron chuckled as he massaged her hips while she sat on the kitchen counter. China's pregnancy came paired with pain in the weirdest places. She wasn't showing yet but the morning sickness had already snuck its way in as well.

"China... I listened to one of the tapes"

"I know you told me not to but I had to."

"Oh God,"

"China, am I crazy?"

"What? No. Cam-"

"Are you scared of me?"


"Okay good." he nodded. "Did you listen?"

"No. I haven't even gone on the internet for the past two weeks. I'm too terrified of what lies behind door number 3,"

"Okay, good. I don't want you to listen. Just know that I'm not that person anymore. I smoked like once and I drink every once in a while but I have no desire to get fucked up."

"I believe you and I'm proud of you,"
"Me too," Dr. Jose said as she made her way into the  kitchen.

"Jose, do you think I would have ever come to forgive China if the accident never happened?"

"Well," She said, placing a stack of files down on the counter. "Looking at your old self... do you think you knew what needed to happen for you to achieve true happiness?"

"I knew that if I forgave her... it'd turn into me running back to her," Cameron swallowed. "So, Iwas always scared to."

"If you knew that much then I think you would have done the right thing eventually," Jose shrugged. "It's just how long it would have taken you that concerns me. You were just fighting so hard against the inevitable."

"I know. It was stupid. I was so scared of-"

"Tell them! Tell them right now or I'll tell it for you!" Taj's voice boomed throughout the house after a loud slamming sound.

Jose, China, and Cameron all ran to the dining room where they saw Tiffanie crying and Taj fuming.

"Tell them," he barked again.

-two weeks ago-


Tiffanie was headed to her car after work when she was stopped in her tracks. She looked around and took one of her earbuds out. "What Lauren?" She rolled her eyes once she spotted who was summoning her.

"Get in the truck,"

"What? No!"

"That wasn't a question," Lauren grabbed Tiffanie by the back of her shirt and dragged her to the passenger seat of her Excursion.

"What the hell?!" Tiffanie began banging on the door after attempting to open it up a few times.

"Child lock,"

Tiffanie turned to see Taj and Diamond in the back seat.

"What is this?"

"We're taking a ride. That's all," Lauren smiled as she buckled up her seat belt.

"This is kidnapping. I'm calling the police." Tiffanie pulled out her phone only for Diamond to reach over and take it out of her hand.

"Nope," She said simply before looking back down at her own phone.

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