14. honeymoon avenue

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i feel like my heart is stuck in bumper to bumper
traffic, i'm under pressure 'cause i can't have you
the way that i want
let's just go back to the way it was

"Ugh. My tittie hurts so bad." China complained as she combed down her hair from its wrap.

"Just the one?" Cameron asked, not looking up from his book.

"Yeah, the left one. I think I slept on it wrong."

"You were sleeping crazy as hell last night. Want me to massage it?"

"What? No, you per- actually, that sounds nice. But the kids are here,"

China and Cam looked over at the sleeping babies in her bed. Amir had convinced himself that Elisha was his child. In fact, he got outraged when anyone dared to touch her without his permission. Thus, he slept with her tightly wrapped up in his arms. Elisha seemed to be okay with this concept.

"They're knocked out," Cameron chuckled a little and put the book down on her nightstand. "Come here,"

She sat down in between his legs and rested her back up against his chest. He slipped his hand up her shirt and used four of his fingers to massage small circles in her breast as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"That feels amazing. Thank you." China scrolled through her emails and squinted at two that were coming in as soon as she opened the app. "Oh look. It looks like Zayn actually wrote the speech for you and he's all done."

Cameron looked down and did a quick once over of the speech and smiled. "I like it. It's not too much. Tell him I said thank you. But I thought he was busy with the record label?"

"Well, my parents and siblings are actually helping him out so he probably had time. I see why Zendaya had him do it. He was always really good with words."

Just when he was about to say something in response, a FaceTime call came in from Katerina.

"Hey, Kat, " China smiled held the phone up so that Kat could only see their faces. She did not need to see Cameron kneading her boob.

"Oh great, it's both of you. Perfect,"

"What's up?"

"I just heard the speech was done so I wanted to go over Cameron's image."

"What about it?" Cameron squinted his eyes. Kat moved so damn fast. After years of working with her, he was still amazed by it.

"First things first, you two need to bring it down a few notches on Instagram,"

"Why? The whole purpose of it was so that people paid attention to our friendship and not the fact that I've been... missing," he chose his words cautiously because he didn't think she knew about the accident.

"And it worked. But it's starting to look suspicious as you're engaged to someone else. Now it's time to bring it back to you and Tiff. You'll be doing the carpet with her. I have the press walk all set up, "

"What? No!" Cameron objected.

"Uuuhhhh why not?" Kat furrowed her brows.

"We're not exactly-"

"Actually! I don't really care because it's a bad look for you to be prancing around with your ex in the public eye like this when you're supposed to be getting married. You and Tiffanie are an aesthetically appealing couple and that's all that matters right now. Handle the extra shit privately."

"I wasn't even really going to do the carpet thing. Do I really have to? "

"So you don't look like a cheating scumbag? Uh. Yeah. You don't have to answer any questions. Just smile, wave, and walk,"

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