12. the valley

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authors note: okay so in the last chapter I said this chapter was just going to be for entertainment and it wouldn't really move the plot along... i lied. What was supposed to be a fun short sexy chapter has turned into a 4.5k word, three-tier sex scene with a cum shot and a revelation. I really just... ran off the rails with this one. Once again if you don't like sex or the idea of Cameron having sex please scroll down until you see something about Nana Jo Ann taking out China's braids. So. Um. Here you go. Sorry. 🥴

i wanna push and shove and paint your hills and valley
i got a rad idea to expedite the ride
bend it over, pull 'em to the side

Cameron was still down about how he spoke to Tiffanie. On the other hand, he was still pissed about her cheating on him. Seeing her made the wound feel fresh even though it was an 11-year-old ordeal. He kept pacing the house and talking to himself out loud, trying to figure out why he'd marry her. All the other memories, he'd come to terms with. But this one thing was really stomping him.

His seemingly strange behavior worried everyone except his doctor.

Cameron's grandma, Nana Jo Ann, thought it'd be a good idea for everyone to go to her beach house on the coast for a few days. She invited the Speights' and the McClains along as she had more than enough bedrooms for everyone. Jo thought it'd be a great way to relax and get everyone's mind off of things. She wasn't wrong; it helped a lot. A whole lot.

China and Cameron fucked three times in the four days they were there.

The first time was when she got stung by a jellyfish.

All three families were bathing in the sun and playing in the ocean when they heard a high pitched scream and a cry. By the time Cameron registered what was going on, everyone had already made a huddle around the screaming woman.

"China?!" Cameron walked over to see what everyone was looking at. China's father was off in the opposite direction as he approached.

"My leg! It hurts. Something got me!" she cried.

"Definitely a jellyfish sting," Victor said, carefully examining her swelling leg.

Her father, Mike, returned with the beach EMS quickly. The nurse pulled the tentacle from China's leg which awarded everyone with an earful of profanity on China's behalf. The nurse then wrapped her leg up and gave her some pain killers, anti-itch cream and liquid Benadryl.

"You want to stay out here or do you want to go back inside?" Cameron asked once she was done being patched up.

"I wanna go back inside." she sobbed, rubbing her eyes.

"Okay. I got you," After putting her meds in his pocket, Cameron squatted down then motioned her to get on his back so he could carry her back into the beach house. He made his way up to the room he and Maya were sharing and sat her down on the bed gently.

"I'm gonna get your bed all wet,"

"It's okay. I'll change the sheets later. I'm going to go get you some water." He placed the pill bottle on the nightstand then ran down to the kitchen. When he returned, he saw China wiping her eyes.

"It hurts that bad, huh?"

"Yeah. The worst pain I've ever felt."

Cameron sat at the edge of the bed and gave her the water bottle. As she shook out a few pills, he grabbed the anti-itch cream. He pulled the bandage back and cringed at the lightning-shaped welt. He smoothed the ointment over the reddened area, providing her with instant relief. He covered it back up then went to wash his hands. When he got back, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her curled up in his bed in her yellow bikini.

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