7. h.a.t.e.u.

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once upon a time
we swore not to say goodbye
something got a hold of us and we changed
then you sat alone in pride
and I sat at home and cried
how'd our fairytale just end up this way?

trigger warning: car accident. if you want to skip this chapter i completely understand just skip to the last five lines to get the gist

China would be lying if she said the big engagement didn't bother her. But she did just that. Lied. Apparently Libby was twice as stressed as she was. Due to her not speaking to her son in a little over a year, she didn't know who Tiffanie really was. She tried so badly not to judge her based on who she was as a teenager but all she had was the memories of Cameron's adolescents. Specifically the day he came home, face red, holding back tears when she broke his heart the first time.

Libby and China had been going to brunch every day since the engagement. It was an excuse to catch up and also drink.

"He completely avoids me now, thank God."

"Good. I can't believe he's been treating you this way." Libby angrily stabbed at her salad. "I didn't spank him growing up. Maybe I should have."

"Maybe," China shrugged. "Oh and don't get me started on his girlfriend or fiancé or whatever"

"I am trying so hard to like her, China. She's sweet, she really is, but she has a smart little mouth. It's that sassy I'm more intelligent than you-"

"Or I'm richer than you..."

"Yes! Exactly."

"She's got some nerve being stuck up considering she used to whore out in Dubai for heroin," China sipped her wine. "She's such a fucking sad case that I let her think she has more money than me but if she only kne-"

"I'm sorry, she what?"

"Oh. Ha! Back in the day when Instagram was really big- because you know she was one of those Instagram models or whatever- apparently she fell into the wrong crowd. And like the IG girls would take these trips to Dubai and Abu Dhabi sponsored by these rich old men who had pee fetishes. Now she's a crackhead."

"Oh my God," Libby's head fell into her hands. "Oh my God. Do you know if Cameron gets tested or if he has all his shots?"

"And it's crazy because she walks around the office bragging about not being able to go to company mixers and stuff because they're trying to have a baby and she can't drink. And she always says it when I'm around. Like, on purpose."

"That's- That is fucked up."

"Yeah, it is because it's definitely a trigger for me and I feel like she's trying to get a reaction."

"A trigger?"

"Oh, yeah girl. Like I'm so fucked up, I can't even walk past the baby aisle in Target. I had to shop for all Elisha's stuff on amazon." China laughed hysterically. "Maya having her really did a number on me."

"Sweetie... have you talked to someone about this?" Libby was more serious now.

Now China's face was straight, no longer laughing. "I mean, yeah, my therapist but like... it didn't work. I usually just avoid all things infant."

"If it's that bad then maybe you should seek a second opinion. Or maybe get back on medication?"

"I am,"

"You're what?"

"On meds," China nodded. "I'm happier but that don't really stop the thoughts."

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