Chapter 1

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As i was hitting the punching bag with all my strenght, feeling the hot sweat drip down my forehead, everything else was a blur.

The only thing I saw was this red and black bag i was meant to hit and hit again.

My knuckles were hurting but I had to keep going.

I can't stop. I won't stop. Once I start, there is no going back.

I heard a faint noise. It wasn't the sound of the impact between my hand and the bag. It was someone.

A distant voice was calling my name.

And suddenly I felt a hit right on my stomach, knocking all the air in my lungs.

That's how I woke up from my dream.

I rubbed my eyes trying to figure out what forced me to leave my much needed sleep.

More like who.

"Hey kiddo. Do you want anything?" I said to my baby brother while attempting to rub away the sleep from my eyes.

"I'm hungryyyy" he whined while laying on my upper body.

Looking at my alarm clock that said 7:04 AM, I let out a not so lady-like groan.

"I guess that's my cue to get up." I thought.

Despite my exhausted state, I forced myself out of the love of my life aka "my bed" and carried Luke towards the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.

Once there, I placed him on the counter and started pouring some fruit loops with milk in a bowl and handed it over.

Luke immediately started to eat the food like an aspirator.
I watched him lovingly while laughing.

I swear the boy is in love with these cereals. He was just adorable.

I grabbed a green apple and my usal coffee and once we were both done I made my way to the bathroom to get ready for school.

I turned on the shower once I got undressed with a little bit of hope lingering in my eyes.
Nope, the water is still freezing as usual. My heart ached for Luke.

I must be the worst big sister in the world.

Who can't even get hot water to shower?

After finishing my hygiene routine, I let my long wavy black hair dry naturally and wore the same attire that I wear everyday.

Some ripped jeans, any random large hoodie and my boots.

I never wore any makeup but it's not as if I could afford it anyway.

"Luke, we're leaving come on!" I shouted from the door waiting for him to get out of his room.

"COMING" he screamed back but while rushing towards me he somehow succeeded to slip and fall on making me run to check on him.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly trying to check for any major injuries.

He tried to hide his tears by wiping them quickly then answered
"I'm fine Amy. Look I'm a big strong boy!"

He then got up wincing a bit but still smiling. He's too precious.

I checked over him one last time to make sure everything was alright then kissed him on the cheek and took his hand as we went once again to the entrance of our "home".

This "home" as people called it was for us a tiny and crappy appartement with barely anything functioning correctly.
It was also situated in the dangerous part of town but that's what my eighteen year old self could afford by herself.

It's mostly been my little brother and I for some time now.

I'm trying my best to provide for him. I really am. But sometimes life can be tough and we're forced to do some hard and not always good choices.

We do what we got to do for the ones we love.

And that's why I turned to underground fighting.

I'm not very proud of myself but it was the easiest and quickest way to make sure I meet all of Luke's needs and not live on the roads.

I'm currently enrolled in med school. That's where most of my money go to.

Once im done and I get my certificate, I will finally be able to give a good life to my brother.

I've always dreamt about becoming a surgeon ever since-

no never mind.

I shook my head to get rid of this awful memory.

We both hopped on my jet black bike that I got with a LOT of hard work. I managed to buy this baby while shedding sweat, tears and blood. Litteraly.

Our helmets well attached, I drove towards our first stop. Luke's school. Twenty minutes later I dropped him off safely then went full speed to campus as I was already late.

Pulling my hood on, I made my way to my first class but of course, my clumsy self bumped on a wall.

Wait. Walls don't speak.

I suddenly managed to look up. And when i said look up I meant up. The guy was huge.

I was 5'9 and somehow, I only reached his chest.

"Look where you're heading to next time you stupid girl."

Excuse me? Not once has anybody talked to me like that. Most of the people were even scared of my cold and intimidating appearance.

Today was surely not the day where someone would disrespect me.

"I don't know who do you think you are but you have no right to talk to me this way." I answered starting to get mad.

And thats when I decided to actually look at him.

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