Chapter 15

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Jace and I have been sitting in his friend's living room for almost an hour now.

As soon as we got in this small house that was almost ten minutes away from the park, a big buff tattooed guy took Luke in some room while we were left sitting on the couch.

Turns out this guy was a doctor but quit it to take care of his sick mom full time. It's really sweet to be honest.

At some point during the wait, it looked like my constant lip biting and leg shaking annoyed Jace a lot so he took me by surprise and held my hand. Weirdly it calmed me instantly.

And our hands have been holding each other ever since.

It was kind of awkward but I think we were both busy worrying.

The guy, which I later found out his name was Georges suddenly came out of the room while taking off a pair of latex gloves.

I immediately bolted up and internally whimpered at the loss of contact with Jace's hand.

Geez, could I be more annoying ?

"So how is he ?" Jace asked and I couldn't miss the hint of concern in his voice.

He's so adorable.

"The little guy broke his arm, but nothing too terrible, he'll be okay he just needs to rest it. Now I put a cast on it and you should come back in three weeks so I can take it off."

He then started instructing me on how to take care of the cast and a few moments later Luke came out of the room running to me with a huge grin on his face.

At least someone's happy I guess.

"You had me worried there for a sec little monkey." I joked while hugging him.

"You shouldn't! look I'm very strong!" Luke answered in a cheery tone.

"Oh but I'll always worry for you, you're my baby brother after all."

I couldn't help but smile at him while he was telling Jace about how it didn't even hurt in there and how his friends could now sign on the cast and everything.

For some reason, Jace has been awesome with him, he now saved my ass twice with the car accident a few days before and now this.

I really start to not hate his presence near me, and it worries me.

It's just that he's always everywhere I am, it's so weird.

After talking for a bit, I pulled out my wallet to pay but Georges stopped me mid-way.

"Don't worry doll, your boyfriend already paid for everything."

My head snapped so fast towards Jace I think I heard it crack.

"Okay first of all, he's not my boyfriend and-"

I felt Jace hit me on the arm to shut me up but instead I gave him my meanest glare possible.

"We'll talk about this in the car, okay cupcake ?"

I scoffed at him and gently took Luke by his good arm as we made our way to the door.

Before leaving I said "thank you Georges for everything, and see you in three weeks."

As we all got in the car to get back to my bike which was still in the park I couldn't help but feel really guilty.

I mean, I am enrolled in medical school, and what did my pathetic self do? Nothing.

I tried to make myself feel better by thinking that I just panicked and all but honestly, I now think I'm going to be a terrible pediatrician, if I even make it that far.

What really pushed me to choose this path was my little brother and I can't even take care of hin properly.

At the end of the day, I was trying to do all of this for him.

As I was dwelling on my thoughts, I remembered the events that just occured and I suddenly flicked Jace's arm.

I mean, even if I really wanted to hit him, he was the one driving so..

"Did you just flick me cupcake?"

The fact that he was now laughing at my action made me even more mad so I flicked him again.

"What the hell's wrong with you? Why would you pay that guy?" I whisper-shouted so that Luke couldn't hear me through his earphones.

"Don't make such a big deal out of it it's fine." He said not taking his eyes off the road.

"Of course I'm going to make a big deal out of it. He is my responsibility, not yours."

"Amelia drop it."

"We are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves. We've done it before Jace."

At this point I could see that his already short temper was running even shorter as he was gripping the steering wheel way too tight for comfort.

"Amelia, I. Said. Drop. The. Subject."

"Of course not. At least tell me the price so I can re-"

He hit the poor steering wheel whith so much force that it cut me off, and then, he proceeded to say something terrible.

"Why can't you shut the fuck up and accept the fact that you don't have the money. I was just trying to help you! I mean look at where you live for god's sake."

This statement was like a massive slap on my face. It was such a low blow coming from him. Even though I felt like crying at this moment, I was determined to hold a straight face which I did perfectly thanks to my many rehearsals.

I was not going to show him how those words affected me.

"We're not some fucking desperate charity case." I said in the most neutral voice possible.

When I didn't add anything after that, I think he realized the mistake he has done and a look of guilt appeared on his face.

That's a new one.

"Look Amelia, I didn't mean what I said but I-"

"Don't worry Jace, don't waste your breath on stupid things. You clearly meant it."

Thanks Heaven we were now at the park so I could get the hell out of here and ride back home with Luke.

I was really surprised he didn't hear any of it but I'm not complaining.

"Come on Luke, let's go home." I said unlocking the door and slamming it behind me not even looking back.

So much for starting to believe Jace was actually a good guy.

Hey guys! I hope you're all okay during quarantine :) Didn't hesitate if you have any suggestions for the story and don't forget to share, vote and comment!

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