Chapter 25

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"Hello cupacke."

Before I could answer back, Hannah got in between us and said "I'm going to leave you two alone. Remember, we're in a public place, don't do anything you'll regret later."

Then she winked at us and vanished leaving me red from embarrassment and a chuckling Jace.

"I missed you." He started while walking next to me.

"Shut up, you litteraly saw me yesterday night." I answered while hitting his chest playfully.

Oh, his chest feels extra nice today.

How come he gets more and more handsome everyday? It's unfair.

We were walking in a comfortable silence but before we could get to class, I decided to ask him the question that's been bugging me ever since yesterday's events.

"So, that kiss..."

"Yeah, I enjoyed it, it was really nice." He answered with a small smile.

"Um me too, but I was wondering, where does that place us now? "

He paused a bit after I dropped the bomb, and I started to think that I shouldn't have asked that.

"Oh. Well, you're definitely interesting, and I like spending time with you, but let's not rush into anything. I think we're good like that."

I couldn't help the pang of deception that hit me. I didn't except him to ask me to marry him, but that wasn't the answer I was looking for either.

His words really got to me even though I know they shouldn't, but I guess that's what happens to me when I care about a guy for the first time ever.

I was about to reply when his three friends came rushing to him and started greeting him and doing those handshakes boys do.

He was full on laughing and smiling with them when I was just two feets away looking like there was a rainy cloud on top of my head. I decided to leave him with his buddies so I made my way to the classroom.

Remembering that Jace is going to be here too, I sat next to some random guy in the front of the class instead of our usual place in the back.

I really wasn't in the mood to talk to him right now.

I took out my notebook and a pencil but I seemed to forget something.

We were talking about Jace Falls right here.

As you know, you can't expect least of him, so when he got in the room and saw where I was seated, he immediately rushed towards me like a mad bull.

A confused and hurt look appeared on his face, but it disappeared as soon as he got next to me.

"Move." He said to the poor boy sitting with me. This scene was ridiculous, it felt like high school again.

The dumbfounded guy looked at Jace as if he was crazy, which he is by the way, but he got up nonetheless to find another seat.

"What's wrong with you Amelia ?"

Whut ?

"Are you kidding me right now ? What's wrong with you asshat. Why did you ask the guy to move ?"

"If you would've just sat at our usual place, I wouldn't have done this. Plus, why did you even storm off in the hallway?"

"Oh so it's my fault now ?"

"Ugh, nevermind. Just tell me why you left so suddenly."

"For no reason Jace. I just saw you with your friends and I didn't want to disturb you."

"Fuck Amelia, you're not disturbing anyone. Just don't leave like that anymore."

I scooted away as much as I could from this guy and I started mumbling some things about him being a jerk but thankfully, I don't think he heard it.

An awkward minute later, the teacher got in the class and immediately started the lesson but I was too irritated to listen to a word he was saying.

"Cupcake, what did I even do for you to be pissed like that ? Are you on your period or something ?"

Oh god, this boy is dumb, he just agreed to be assassinated by all the girls in the world.

Having already enough of this morning, I suddenly got up and rushed out while telling the teacher I had some emergency to attend to.

Why am I so stupid? I can't seem to learn that Jace equals trouble.

Everytime our relationship takes a step forward, it then takes ten backwards.

Both of our tempers are just clashing constantly, but I can't seem to stay away from him.

Ugh, I don't like boys.

At all.

Seeing that I had nothing to do now, I texted Josh to see if we could hang out.

I still felt bad about the whole thing and I really wanted to make it up to him somehow, but as I was about to get on my bike, I heard someone very familiar call my name.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class Hannah?"

"Nah, I only had one course today, so I should be the one asking this question. Where are you going ?"

"I didn't feel like studying so I was about to meet with Josh. Wanna come ?"

"Josh as in had-one-date-then-got-friendzoned-Josh? Hell, I don't have anything to do anyways so let's go baby."

When we got to the address he texted me, I looked up and saw a cute little cafe that I never knew the existence of. It had a red and withe theme to it and was the perfect size for a cozy place to get a coffee.

"Aw this place is so cute ! Why did you never tell me about it Ames ?"

"Because I just found it too stupid."

A little bell rang when we got in and I immediately saw Josh sitting in the corner.

"That's him right there."

"Ames! You never told me that Josh was HOT."

"Um, I actually did but you must not have listened."

"Oh never mind. My eyes are now blessed forever. I can only imagine what he would be like without-"

"Hey Joshy! That's my best friend Hannah. Sorry I forgot to mention she was coming."

Josh looked at her and I swear to god he was as red as the cafe's walls.

Please tell me they're going to fall in love right now, get married and have babies.

"Um h-hi. I'm Josh." He said super shyly while maintaining eye contact with her.

"Nice to meet you. I heard a lot of good things about you, but I never imagined you would be this hot."

Yup, never expect less than this from my girl.

The man was at a loss of words. It was honestly hilarious.

These two got an instant connection seeing as they spent the entire time talking and laughing together as if I never existed. And that's on third-wheeling.

After we finished eating and all, I had to pick up Luke from school, so I let the two lovebirds together.

If only it was that easy with Jace.

Hey guys! Thank you SO MUCH for 30k I love you all so much and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Why do you think Jace said that to Ames about their relationship?

Find out in the next chapter and don't forget to share, vote and comment!

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