Chapter 16

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After riding my bike home, I sent Luke to play in his room while I called my best friend.

What happened a few moments ago really hit me and I needed her to be here with me to get my head straight before tomorrow's fight.

"Just don't listen to him Ames, he's just a stupid guy who can't focus on the more important things." Hannah said while handing me the box of donuts she bought me.

I took a bite out of a chocolate one with sprinkles on it. It was so yummy I could-

Focus Amelia.

I stayed silent for a bit before proceeding. "I know but it just hurts cause he was the only one who knew about my living arrangements and all besides you. I can't believe he used it against me." I said while eating my donut.

This food is like my soft spot.

"At least now you know that you can't trust him, you just have to stay away from him and continue to live your life as if it didn't affect you because the Amelia I know is the strongest girl I know. You're doing the best you can and that's what matters."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm not going to be miserable because of a guy who is able to stoop down to that level." I then said with a smile.

"That's my Ames! Fuck him!"

"Yeah, fuck this guy!"

We hugged each other and both started laughing.

I really love these kind of talks.

After this discussion, Hannah and I decided to spend some quality time together and cuddled under blankets while watching a scary movie.

A spilled glass of juice (because of a scare jump) and two bags of chips later, it was time for Hannah to go home.

I was so grateful for this girl as she manages to cheer me up every single time no matter what.

I honestly don't know what I would've done without her.

As I was laying in bed, I couldn't stop replaying the argument with Jace.

I still couldn't believe he would do that.

He honestly seemed like a nice guy.
I even told him about my parents, which is something I never do, but it clearly was a mistake that I won't repeat and to be honest, I don't need these kind of people that bring you down in life.

It's too bad for him.

It was now 9 pm which meant that the gym was still open for two more hours and I decided to get him out of my mind for a bit so I texted Josh to see if he could train me.

Ever since our date we haven't really talked, but again, these few days were kind of crazy.

Me: Hey Josh, r u busy?

Josh: Hey cutie
            No I'm not, why?

Me: I have a fight tomorrow and I was wondering if we could go and train rn..

Josh: Sure, anything for u ;) See you in twenty !

Me: See you x.

I couldn't help but blush at the conversation we had.

Josh is honestly a really sweet guy, and I actually enjoy spending time with him.

So after making sure that Luke was asleep, I opened my closet and took out a pair of basketball shorts and a sports bra, topped with a black hoodie.

I tied my hair into a ponytail, packed everything I needed in my bag and made my way to the gym.

Is it bad that I kinda really looked forward to this specific training ?

A few moments later, I opened the doors and found a very familiar face.

"What's up uncle Joe ?"

"Amy! What are you doing here?"

"What even is that question? I'm here for your cooking classes duh."

"I swear you're getting funnier by the day kiddo." He chuckled while writing down my name on the sheet.

"Josh is already waiting for you inside. You got a fight tomorrow?"

"I actually do. I hope you don't mind me coming a bit late."

"Since when did it ever bother me? You're like a daughter to me, Julie would have been proud of who you became young lady."

Memories of my mom appeared in front of me and I couldn't help but smile a bit at his compliment.

"Thank you Joe, so when are you coming to visit Luke ? He misses you you know."

"You're right it's been so long, how about we all go to lunch Wednesday ?"

"Seems perfect, see you then." I answered before heading to the locker.

Uncle Joe tossed me the key of the gym to my surprise and said
"Don't forget to turn off the lights." Before going out the backdoor.

As I made my way to the boxing area, I saw that the gym was completely empty, and the lights were off.

Suddenly, I heard a sound coming from behind a machine, I instantly was on full alert trying to find the cause of it, but then, I felt someone snaking their arm on my waist so I grabbed it and flipped the person over.

As I was about to punch them, I realized it was none other than Josh so I completely froze from embarrassment.

Apparently I shouldn't have because I was rolled over and he was now on top of me pinning my arms.

"Hello beautiful. Lesson number one, always be alert and expect the unexpected. Never let down your guard or this is what will happen to you."

I felt all my blood rushing to my ears, I couldn't believe he beat me so easily.

"Well Josh, not that I doubt your teaching methods or anything, but I know a few other ways to do that." I said while taking his hand to get up.

"Come on Ames, you have a fight tomorrow, you need to be ready for anything and everything."

"Don't worry too much about me, I can take care of some lame guy. I'll most definitely win tomorrow, I just wanted to blow off some steam."

"Then let's do that shall we."

He said while he threw the first punch that I of course dodged but still it was mean.

He kept throwing punches at me and I kept on avoiding them. It was honestly too easy.

I think he knew I was starting to lose interest because he suddenly threw a kick that hit me in the stomach making me stumble back.

"Lesson number two, never underestimate your opponent."

"Come on, we don't have to do that, it's not my first time."

Josh sighed and took off his gloves to hold my red cheeks.

"I know that but I just wanted to make sure of everything because I care about you a lot. I want you to crush this thing tomorrow and not get hurt."

"That's really sweet of you. Thank you, but again, I'll be fine." I answered smiling and hugging him a bit before letting him go.

"Okay then, now we start the real deal."

"That's what I'm talking about."

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