Chapter 34

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Wow, I can't imagine what my baby has been through, she's one, if not the strongest person I know.

The only thing I wanted to do was hold her tight and reassure her that no harm is ever going to come to her again. I'll have to make sure of that.

I held her by her underarms and carried her so that she was now sitting on my lap while straddling me.

Normally, I would be really turned on, like come on, I have the most beautiful girl in the world sitting on Jace junior and keeping him warm, but now was not the time to have nasty thoughts.

"I promise that no one or nothing is ever going to hurt you again, okay cupcake?"

She nodded her tears filled face, but I wiped those as soon as they hit her cheeks and held her, I was pretty sure I was suffocating her with my grip, but we both knew that this was what she needed right now. And maybe also what I needed too but that doesn't matter.

"Also, I'm so sorry for all the times I hurt you, I was the dumbest person ever to even think about that."

"It's okay Jace, as long as you don't do it again."


After that, we stayed in this position for a long time before she pulled away and said in a dreadful voice "I wish we could stay like that but I really have to go back home, it's getting really late."

I looked at my watch an indeed, it was three in the morning. But there was no way in hell I was going to leave her alone. I just have the urge to take care of her, and right now, she needs to sleep as much as possible, she's still fragile.

"Okay, I'll drive you and one of the boys can bring your bike back." I replied while alerting Elijah to do so.

A look of fear appeared on her face as soon as I mentioned her vehicle.

"No no no no,  not my baby. There is no fucking way your friend touches my baby. Anything but that."

I laughed at her concern but reassured her that Elijah own a bike too, so he knows how to drive one.

"Now that we're done, let's get you home." 

On cue, she got up from me to sit on the passenger seat, causing me to immediately miss her warmth. Better drive fast on the way because I don't like that.

After a silent drive, I parked the car only to realize that she fell asleep on the way. She must have been really exhausted.

Not wanting to wake her up, I carried her in my arms all the way up until her house, but I then noticed that her weight was alarming, as it practically felt as if I was carrying nothing. 

I have to get her to be healthy, enough was enough.

I slowly put her on the bed, and changed her clothes to replace them with the shirt I was wearing. I'm not going to lie, she looked as perfect as an angel, and I couldn't bring myself to leave this pure face. So I didn't.

Somehow, the only thing that woke her up was the feeling of me getting in bed with her. She slightly opened her eyes and I stroked her soft cheeks while whispering to her that I was staying here tonight whether she liked it or not.

Honestly, I was expecting protests form her, that she liked her personal space and whatnot, but the response I got was shocking. It caught me off guard and I thought I heard wrong at first. 

I repeated these words over and over again in my head all night with the stupidest smile on my face while cuddling her and holding her as if she would fly away from me.

She said "I love you too Jace."

The next day, I woke up to the light of the sun hitting my face. I was really tired which led me to think that it was still early, and I was right, the clock indicated 6 A.M

It was a Sunday morning and it's by far the nicest one I had yet. I got to be next to the woman I love, and let me tell you, this is the best feeling in the world. 

I'm definitely  not a morning person, but if it meant opening my eyes and getting to see my girl sleeping so peacefully, I would do it every day. 

The rays of sunlight were shooting at her too, but that couldn't seem to wake her up. I'm sure she's drained from last night, and I'm not going to allow anything to interrupt her sleep. Instead, I just stared at her beauty like a creep.

A couple of minutes went by until she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me with amusement.

"You know its rude to stare right?" She whispered in a soft and sleepy voice.

Well fuck me, the literal burning sun didn't wake her up, but I did?

"Good morning to you too cupcake, did you have a good night's sleep?" I responded sarcastically when in reality, I was just embarrassed that she caught me in my act.

She laughed at my answer then said with a smile. "For some reason, I slept really well." 

Gosh, her smile is the prettiest thing I've ever seen.

 "Of course you slept well baby, you were practically suffocating me all night by the way you were laying on top of me and holding onto me for dear life."

"Shut up, I didn't even do that!"

She was right, she didn't do that, I did. I could not muster the will to detach myself from her, so I was stuck to her like an annoying piece of gum all night. And I don't regret doing that at all.

After we finished out little bickering on who cuddled who, I couldn't help but look at her again. This was all so surreal, and I was becoming too soft for this girl.

"What?" She asked with a puzzled look.

"Nothing, I love you."

"I love you too Jacey poo."

I leaned in to kiss her, and as I was about to touch her lips, the door flung open.

"Ames, what are we gonna do today- Oh hi Jace, well, I guess you're gonna do him then. I'll leave you to it, I'm going to get my cereals. Okay bye!"

I tried my best to hold in my laugh. This kid is something else.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for sticking with this story, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'm studying for my SATs right now, it's so stressful!!!!

So, Jace really adore Ames huh? They seem to be really happy, but I don't think it's going  to last this long, What do you think is going to happen next?

Don't forget to share, vote and comment!

Love u all :)

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