Chapter 22

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The thing that I never realized before was that I had almost all of my classes with Jace.

This boy must really enjoy spending time with me because we practically spent all day together walking from class to class.

Not that I was complaining.

I found out that we actually have some things in common, and if we ignore his crazy temper, he's actually fun.

"Mr. Falls and Mrs. Jackson this is the second time I call you out. Is there something more important than the lecture you want to share with the class ?"

We apologized to the professor but we couldn't stop laughing so that earned us a few stares.

I got the stinky eye from some girls because I was the only female Jace the "hot bad boy" actually acknowledged, and some from students who were trying to concentrate.


In our defense, I was laughing because of a hilarious joke he made, and he was doing it because he was making fun of my laugh.

"Your laugh is weird as hell cupcake."

"Oh shut up."

A few seconds later, after we both calmed down I couldn't help but stare at him.

It was the first time I actually saw him laugh and I was glad that I was the reason he did that.

I got closer to him and whispered in his ear. "You really should smile more asshat."

He looked at me curiously but then just nodded at my remark.

Okay then.

Good thing it was finally the last class of the day because I was about to die.

After the bell rang, I was going towards the parking lot to get on my bike and head straight home since Hannah picked up Luke for me like she does every Tuesdays.

But as I was about to go, I swear I heard Jace just behind me asking me something.

"Do you wanna go grab something to eat before we go home ? "

I immediately turned around to answer him but to my embarrassment, he was actually directing this question to his friends.

Crap, I really hope none of them saw that.

I know we were basically glued together all day, which was super unexpected, but I somehow was disappointed he didn't ask that to me.

He probably got sick of me already.

Get a grip on yourself young lady, you don't care if he doesn't want to eat with you. It's his loss.

My subconscious was scolding me for feeling this way but I couldn't stop thinking about it all the way back home.

I can't catch feelings for him, it'll ruin everything.

"Heyy buddy !" I said as soon as I opened the door.

As usual, Luke was watching some cartoons on the small TV we own so he simply threw a big smile my way and grinned.

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