Chapter 6

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I was now thinking about tonight's fight, I was about to fight one of my worst enemy, Stephan Sanchez. He was a tough one and I was a bit anxious about it, knowing what's at stake.

To distract myself from this stress, I started repeating over my schedule of the day. Take Luke and drop him off to his friend, then pick up some snacks and some groceries from the store. The snacks for Hannah and the rest for the house. After this, I have to hit the gym for a bit, and finally make my way to the ring at around 11 p.m. Sounds fine to me.

I was trying to think about other things too but I couldn't.

Why? Ask Jace.

First of all, he smelled so good, I think it was illegal how much his smell was distracting. It was like a mix of mint and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. I probably looked like a psychopath trying to sniff him.

Also, he was sitting way too close to my liking, our legs were touching but I think he was doing this on purpose. He kept jiggling his leg against mine which was starting to get really annoying.

"Excuse me, can you stop moving your leg, I can't concentrate because of it." I angrily whispered.

"No can do cupcake, that's how I'm able to think." A smug expression was plastered on his face while he whispered back his answer to me. Ugh, he really was punchable right now.

"Well then scoot away from me, or even better, change places. Our legs aren't even supposed to be touching" For some stupid reason, I kind of didn't want him to move, but I was never going to admit that to him.

"I like to look at the board from this angle, the lighting is really good and everything. Plus you really smell good too cupcake." He said really close to my ear, his lips almost touching it.

A tomato, or a strawberry. Or even a cherry. These were all words to describe my face right now.

Shit, I must've thinked out loud about how delicious he smelled, and of course, he just had to hear me. Lucky me.

"I-I wasn't talking about you, you idiot. I was talking about.. this." I directly pointed to the first thing I saw in front of me. A piece of paper.

Really Amy? A freakin piece of paper? How dumb can I be.

He immediately chuckled and tried to get even closer to me. "Sure thing cupcake."

Where was Hannah when I needed her?

After this class was done, Jace went back to his friends for the rest of day which I was thankful for, since I couldn't stay any longer with him after what happened.

The day went by pretty fast, and I now was on my bike, picking up Luke to drop him to Mel's house. She was a pretty little girl with blond hair and big blue eyes and she was around his age. I knew that he had a massive crush on her. We all knew. I mean, it was REALLY obvious, but her parents and I find it adorable.

I then went to the store, picked up everything and made my way to Hannah's house as scheduled. She had a huge house, since her parents are loaded and all, but she never rubbed it in my face and even asked me like a thousand time to let me help her financially. I refused each time. I have to work hard for my money, and I can't accept any help. I was too proud to. Anyway, I gave her the snacks, and the notes of today's classes, then told her about what happened between Jace and I this morning.

She kept on telling me that she ships us and all, but I mean, I don't even have time for a relationship, and with Jace? Nah, it's impossible. I just find him attractive, that's all.

Realizing I had to leave for the gym, I said goodbye to my best friend and headed there.

The gym was like a safe place to me. An escape from all my issues, from the ring, from school, from my appartement, from everything really.

"There's my favorite girl!" I heard a deep voice say from behind the reception.

"What's up uncle Joe." I said with a big genuine smile on my face.

Joe wasn't really my uncle, but I considered him like it. He was my mother's best friend and basically watched me grow up. I like to say he's a parent, because he's always been there for Luke and I even after the death of my mom.

He owned this gym and helped me get to the great fighter I am today. I owe him my life.

"Everything's good sweetheart. So any fight scheduled for tonight?" He asked while writing down my name on the attendance sheet.

"Yeah actually. Against Sanchez."

"Ugh I always hated this guy. Be careful, okay Ames?"

"I promise I will. See you after practice Joe." I said with a smile while kissing the top of his head.

I headed towards the changing rooms, and put on my sports bra, my shorts, my sneakers and all the protection equipment necessary.

Now moving to the boxing and fighting area, I tied my hair in a ponytail while waiting for my usual instructor but then decided to just start warming up.

I heard an unfamiliar voice calling my name but when I turned around to check the person it was attached to, I bumped into the guy, and a cute one may I say. I started immediately apologizing but was met with a chuckle.

"Don't worry Amelia it's fine." He said with a little smile. "I'm Josh by the way, I'm just replacing your instructor since he decided to take some vacation."

"Oh okay. Nice to meet you, I'm Amelia but you can call me Amy."

"Yeah i knew that." Josh answered while laughing again.

I blushed from embarrassment. Yeah sure I could be tough if I wanted, but I really, and I mean really sucked at socializing.

Way to go Ames. You just met the guy and you already made a fool of yourself .

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