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Felix woke up to his phone alarm. Wobbly he made his way to the bathroom with heavy and tired eyes. After the shower he went to his closet to pick todays outfit. A pink hoodie with a pair of white jeans. That will do he thought. He walked to school after saying he ate breakfast and said bye to his parents. With his airpods in blasting music he arrived at school. The day was like any other boring day at school. Classes and classes and classes.... Until lunch came.

Felix sat down beside Jisung at their usual table along with Jeongin. "Jisung do you have any idea who owns that number you send me?" Felix said with a bit of aggression in his voice. "Noo... not really. Just had it?" Jisung replied. "Just had it? How did you even get it?" Felix asked curiously. Jisung was nervous and stuttered before Jeongin broke the awkward silence luckily for Jisung. "So do you guys want to join me at my home after school?" He asked with a big smile showing his braces.

Yes he has braces because he is cuter that way

"Sure" Jisung and Felix said in unison. After the bell rang they each went to their next class. Felix did what he usually do at school. Sit in the back of the class and take notes and hope he doesn't get picked by the teacher.

The rest of the school went pretty quick and Felix met the others at the school entrance as they had planned at lunch. "Hey" Jeongin said while waving and Jisung facing his way. The boys started to walk towards Jeongins house and Jisung and Jeongin had a normal conversation until Felix interrupted. "So what are we gonna do?" "Idk maybe watch a movie and just chill?" Jeongin answered unsure of that was what the others wanted, but they both just nodded and kept walking until they reached his house.

"Hey mom. Im with Felix and Jisung we will be upstairs." Jeongin yelled and got an okay back as a response. Upstairs the boys sat down and picked a movie to watch. It was quiet and nice until Felix phoned buzzed. "Who's that?" Jisung said curiously. Felix went to check his phone on the desk and saw a familiar Unknown number. "It's the number you send me yesterday." Felix said with an annoyed expression but on the inside, he was kinda happy that the person wrote back and didn't just ignore what happened yesterday.

Unknown number

Hey how was school today?


How did you know I am going to school???

Are you a stalker or something???


Unknown number


You send memes....

If you were an old man doing that. That would just be sad


Maybe but still!

Maybe but still!

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