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Felix used about an hour to pick his outfit, shower and do his makeup but he still made it when Chan was outside waiting for Felix so they could drive to Hyunjin's place. Felix was very excited for the night and he already had his plan he just still got to choose who he would tease. He decided he would choose as he got there and met them all.

Chan was met by styled and cute Felix who got into his car. Every time Chan would see Felix his heart fluttered a bit by his cuteness. He just wants to keep him safe from the world and protective him ever after. He didn't want this relationship to end since it was that, that kept him going throughout the days. Just the thought of being with Felix gave him what he needed to be happy.

It didn't take long before they arrived at the rather big house of Hyunjin's family. Luckily his parents weren't home, so they had the house for themselves. They both entered as they were met by the rest of the boys as they came last. (Maybe because Felix was a bit slow after all). They both got something to drink as Felix went over to Jisung that stood with Minho and Seungmin.

"Hey" Felix said and waved to the others who smiled back at him.

"You finally came," Jisung said and chuckled nuzzling a bit closer to Minho who just stood beside him acting like he wasn't about to explode from the inside because of Jisung's clinginess.

Felix was about to say something as Hyunjin called all the boys over in the couches in the living room, making them sit in a circle. This gave Felix some flashbacks from last time he remembered these exact same boys sitting in a circle like this......

"Okay, do you want to join me and my friends? I think Jisung will be there too" Chan asked to a clearly happier Felix when he heard that Jisung was probably there too. So, Felix followed Chan to a more relaxed room with not so loud music in the back of the house. When he went inside with Chan, he saw his friends and his too.

"Hey Felix, come join us," Jeongin said and patting the seat next to him on the floor. Felix decided to sit next to Jeongin.

"So what are we gonna do?" Chan asked the group of boys. They all shrugged except for Jisung.

"How about truth or dare?" He asked looking at the boys with a small smirk also clearly influenced by the alcohol. Felix didn't really know what to think about the game. He was just happier he wasn't the only one not drinking out of all the boys. Jeongin didn't drink either but the rest, Jisung, Chan, Woojin, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Changbin and Minho did.

"Yeah let's do that" Chan answered and sounded a lot more hyped and happy that they had to play that game that he maybe should be. Felix didn't know why Chan looked at him right after he said that but he just chose to ignore it for now.

It was then Felix remembered it was last time they played Truth or Dare that the others got him together with Chan. When he looks on it now, he is kinda grateful that they kinda got them closer.

"Let's play...... Truth or Dare," Hyunjin said whispering the last part getting a bunch of uuuuhhh's in return from the boys but only a sigh from Felix. Now that he was together with Chan what could they possibly do?

Hey everyone

I hope you like my throwback from chapter 15. For me it feels like ages I wrote that but can clearly remember I did it. It's now I realise that I have totally forgotten how I wrote in the beginning and how I write now haha. The story was way more..... I guess I will say different by that time but I hope its still okay now 😊

I hope you have a nice day

I <3 u all

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