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When school was over Chan went to the dance room with the other boys. They walked fast since Chan was still mad about what happened and they got closer and closer to the room. It didn't take long before they were right outside the room.

"Okay let's do this," Chan said getting closer to the door as the others stood behind him waiting to follow him. The opened the door to see all the NCT boys being there. They all looked up at Chan and the others.

"What are you doing here?" Taeyong asked the other who didn't look back at him but was facing someone else. And that person soon saw that too feeling the fear taking over him. Chan hastily walked over to the other.
"Lucas how dare you touch what is mine!?" Chan asked the other who was frightened and kept walking backwards.

Many of the NCT boys was confused about what happened but some wasn't.
"Sorry it was kinda your own fault though as you told us about him that way." Lucas tried to defend himself but wasn't confident at all.
"Just because I talk about him to you guys doesn't mean that you can just try to take him away from me!" Chan said very fast as he could feel his anger rise.

Chan looked away from Lucas and looked around the room to see some of the boys in shock.
"I'm sorry for whatever he did," Mark said to Chan with a disappointed look towards Lucas.
"Look. Felix is mine! And he will always be mine!! Don't you dare touch him again!" Chan said to them all and looked at Lucas and Yuta as he said the last part.

Chan felt some relief that he got his worries out by his shouting and he looked over at a happy group of friends who were in some way proud of him.

Chan was about to walk out of the room before he felt himself getting jumped in an embrace but he couldn't tell who it was. Was it an attack or something else??

Hey everyone
So thanks a lot for 11k reads!! This really motivates me to write more which also leads me to this next news.
I have been working on a new book based on Minsung and it's a student teacher one since I have read some of those and liked them a lot!
So look forward to that!

I hope you have a nice day
I 💜 u all

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