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It has been some days since Felix and Chan slept together and Felix now knew he did like Chan, and he think Chan likes him too. He just doesn't know to have to say it to him, and if he even should tell him.

These were the thoughts he had on his mind all the time and couldn't get them away. This really did influence how much Felix payed attention in classes and Jisung had noticed this but Felix wouldn't talk about it.

Jisung had enough and decided to confront Felix.
"Felix! I'm talking to you!" Jisung said with a harsh tone towards Felix who just now realised he was staring out into nothing.
"Sorry Jisung I'm just a bit tired" Felix said obviously lying and Jisung noticed until he saw something behind Felix and stopped.

"Hey baby girl" Was what Felix heard whispered in his ear when he felt some long and arm hands wrapped around his waist. Felix was a bit in shock but quickly felt and comfortable and actually leaned further into the arms and into Chan's chest.

Chan noticed this and smirked a bit knowing Felix liked this, so he decided to sit down next to Felix still one arm wrapped around his waist.
"How are you" Chan asked the now happy and shy Felix.
"I'm fine" Felix said shyly gazing down.
"You are not fine! You don't pay attention in any classes and you don't talk with us at all!" Jisung said with still a bit harsh tone now looking over to Chan too.
"Is that true Felix?" Chan looked at Felix and got no reply.
"Is it because of me?" Chan asked with a big smirked towards Felix that now blushed and both Chan and Jisung noticed this, both shock that Chan was the reason.

Chan decided to take use of the situation and placed his other hand on Felix's thigh and rubbed it a bit.
"Which thoughts have you had with me in them?" The taller whispered into the shy boy's ear. Felix got a tingling feeling down his body and suddenly blushed even more all the way up to his ears.
"I can't tell you here" Chan said in very low voice almost unbearable but Chan still heard it and he was shocked for a bit until he moved his hands longer up Felix's thigh.
"It's okay I think of them too" Chan whispered in the shorter's ear before he left for his own table in the cafeteria. Felix was now shy as ever and his blush took a long time to disappear. He now definitely knew Chan liked him but what would happen now?

Hey everyone sorry this is a short chapter but I wrote this on my phone.

I today got my TXT backpack and I'm very happy there is just one concern I'm having. I ordered some shoes the same time as this backpack.
The backpack got delivered from South Korea and the shoes from Belgium and even though Belgium is a lot closer the backpack got here first like how is that possible????!!!
And this got me wondering do you guys have any Kpop merch???

Even though, I'm very happy about the nice things you guys have said and th support you give me and tomorrow there will be a long update so stay tuned!

I hope you have a nice day
I love u all💜

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