Chapter 3

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Char 👶🏿🍑 is typing...

From Char 👶🏿🍑


Girl wanna go to the mall @ 2 pm today?

Yeaa, whos picking who up?

I'll pick u up :)

kk cya

I'll be there in 10 luv u <3

Love u 2


I didn't expect to go out today, I kind of felt like sleeping all day.

My dad has been complaining about me not cleaning his room lately, maybe it's because I don't want to clean up after you and all the girls you bring home every night dad.

Plus it isn't my responsibility.

I need to get out of this house now that I think about it.

I find a black short skin tight dress and a jean jacket.

I wear my nicest flats.

I put on mascara, lip gloss, and light fillings for my eyebrows.

When I was done I put on my daily needs and perfume.

When I was officially finished I grabbed my phone and got a notification from Char. I open it and see that she was here.

I grab my little bag and wallet and walk out the door.

I didn't say bye to my dad, he was probably too wasted to even hear me.

I eye the car, it was a beautiful red mustang.

"Woah." I said under my breath.

"Get in bitch, we're going shopping!" She shouted.

I ran to the car and opened it.

I got a notification from my phone and checked it.

Samy added you on snapchat.

I frown, how.

Charlotte looked over at me. "Change in mood?" She notices.

"Samy found my snap."

"Don't add him!" Charlotte says immediately.

Jeez, what did they do to make her hate them?

"Imma do it," I smirked.

Charlotte mumbled words under her breath.

"Hmm?" I raise an eyebrow.

I added Samy back and get a snap from him almost 0.5 seconds later.

I open it and it's a picture of him, it was captioned, don't ask how I found ur snap.

I chuckled. I sent a picture of my face to him and added a text that said, I'm worried, are u a secret russian hacker and hacked into my phone??

He left me on open for about 5 minutes before replying:

Wtf howd u know? I'm scared bye I'm moving countries

I sent him a heart.

He sent me a pic of Dante and it was captioned:
Dante lowkey talking bout u 😳

"I don't want you to be friends with him."
Charlotte hissed with venom.

I looked away from my phone and up at her.

The smile on my face disappears once she said that sentence.


"He's a bad influence Vanessa, I get you like him, but you're so innocent, Samy will get close to you and ruin you. I'm only looking out for you Nessa, I love you. you're so nice.. you don't deserve to be attacked like that. Trust me when I say this, I've been so nice to you. I feel like you've been drifting from me, why are you acting like this Vanessa?" She said as she pressed her lips together.

"I'm sorry." Is all I managed to say.

She huffs, "it's fine, but god forbid you care about other people's feelings instead of your own," she growled.

I stayed quiet and thought about what she said.

Have I been acting selfish? I haven't.. Atleast I dont think so? I cant help but feel like I hurt her.

"Sorry..." I finished.

She smirked, "well! We're 5 minutes away from the mall." She informed me.

I get another Snapchat notification.

I opened it and Samy sent me another text.

Left on open
Felt that 😬


you can be forgiven under one circumstance.
We hang out tonight at 8 pm
Just me and u

i dont think that's a good idea

Why not Nessa? I just wanna get to know u
What's wrong about that?

I know I just can't
I'm hanging around with Charlotte today

Oh. And? I'm telling u this once and one time only, Charlotte is FAKE. periyat. 🥴

What's the deal with u guys?? Charlotte is all I dont want u to be friends with those boys they'll hurt u and u tell me that char is fake? I'm so confused

Wtf she said that??????

Samy please don't tell anyone I don't want Char to hate me, she's my friend and basically my only

aM i A jOkE tO yOu?!!1

Samy I'm scared she's telling me u guys r going to ruin me and idk what to do

Lets just talk about it later? Pls come over tonight, it's serious. I'll explain some stuff :)

I cant leave without u telling me that u promise u wont tell anyone

I promise on my boyfriend 😚

Thank u
And I will come home early today, I'll make an excuse to get her to drop me off.

Or I can just pick u up rn

Give it 10 minutes
God I sound so fake rn 🥺

You aren't dont worry if anything Char is fake.
Anyways imma take a shower I'll talk to u or FaceTime u when I get out. Bye babe.

Bye 💕

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