Chapter 23

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I never ended up showing up for the "date" because I came to my senses. I was being a bitch. I should just hear Samy our instead of impulsively do something wrong.

Samy didn't mean to hurt me.

Samy is better than that.

Today, I'm going to apologize.



Who dis?

I'm sorry Sam, I didn't go with mar bc what
I did was beyond wrong. I'm so sorry for being
A bitch, I really like you and I want our relationship
To work out , I'm not saying you should just forgive me but I'm asking you to take it into consideration. Remember I'm always here for you, ily 🥺

How can I stay mad at u smh

Kk but just so yk me Mattia Kairi alvaro and Alejandro are going out to the restaurant so I'm prob not gonna be able to talk, so I'll talk to u later ly qt

Ight have fun 💕


Well that's all settled and that seemed way too easy.

Alejandro invited me to hang out with Kairi, Mattia and Alvaro today.

Roshaun was too busy hanging out with Danielle Cohn.


We all decided to go to a Mexican restaurant.

Mattia was talking like he was still in the UK.

Kairi looked a bit down because he was recently cheated on with Celia. I felt bad for him, he got cheated on with two girls these past few months. Yikes.

While Mattia, Alvaro, and Alejandro were chatting away, I started a conversation with Kairi.

"Hey kai, How've things been?" I asked him.

He chuckled, "tough, but ain't none holding me back."

I smiled at his response. "If you ever need me to beat a bitch up I got you."

"Nah probably won't be necessary, I have a killer headache right now so I'm probably gonna take a breather and chill," Kairi said as he rubbed his temples.

"Before you go tell me what you want me to tell the waiter you wanna drink?" I asked him.

He thought for a quick second, "just agua and lemons," he said as he got up, "thanks."

I nod and I grab my phone out.

Before I could turn it on, Alvaro pokes my finger, so I look up.

Alvaro records me.

I wave at the camera.

The boys were laughing for some reason, Alejandro was laughing his ass off.

I frown as I quickly got up and went to see what they did.

Of course, they put an ugly filter on me and posted it.

"I look so dumb! Why would you post that!" I laugh.

"Oh shutup, it's funny," Mattia says.

Alejandro just giggles at it before he goes on his phone.

I look at Mattia, "your haircut is ugly," I said. Mattia looks at me and kicks me under the table.

"Hey!" I laugh. He ends up laughing too, "it'll grow," he shakes his head.

"Nessa Nessa Nessa, how are you and Samy?" Alejandro asks me looking up from his phone.

"Huh?" I say confused.

"Don't worry, Samy told us you guys were dating," Alvaro assures me.

I nod, "oh, we're good." I answered.

The waiter finally comes and we order our drinks. Kairi hasn't came back so I just ordered his water and lemons.

We were talking about random stuff before Mattia points at the entrance. "Boys, Mariano has entered the building with a fine ass girl," Mattia informs us.

I move my head so I can see but not obviously.

Charlotte, Who would've thought.

Kairi comes in with them, Mariano and Charlotte were talking to him.

"Bro, isn't that the girl who you fought a while ago?" Alvaro asks me.

"Yep, the one who's obsessed with Mariano as well," I add.

"She looks gross," Mattia says.

"You just called her fine, are you fucking retarded?" Alvaro says with a bitch face.

"Bruh, I said that before I knew she fought Nessa, calm your dick," Mattia says annoyed.

"Okay, lets just ignore them, boys, we came here to have a good time, am i right?" Alejandro says with a smile looking at each and one of us.

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