Chapter 11

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After we got all the legal stuff handled out, me and Samy decided to have a day to ourselves.

I politely told Mariano me and Samy had plans today and he understood.

"Samy can I do your makeup? Like turn you into an eboy?" I smiled.

He thought about it, "eboys are fucking gay."

"Okay and?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm making you into an eboy with or without your consent," I grinned as I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to my bed.

"Kinky," he smirks.

This boy.

I grab my makeup bags and set them in front of me.

I pick out hot pink for the blush and dark eye shadow around the eyes.

"Eboys are sleep deprived so perfect," I say touching up the eyes.

"I cant believe I'm letting you do this," he mumbled.

I laughed, "pick your chains, atleast five," I picked up like 20 chains that I thrifted.

He picks out a heavy and light chains, some chains had crosses, hearts, and a lock.

"Oh my god you're so cute," I fangirl clapping my hands at my masterpiece.

He looks at me with an amused face.

"Okay, tiktok time," he said as he grabbed his phone and opened tiktok.

Yes, show off my artwork baby.

The first video we recorded, Samy looked sad,

I hugged him and then started choking him, for what reason? I don't know.

He captioned it, 'ig I cant ever be a sad eboy with this cutie around ☺️💕 @Nessa'

"Let's read the comments, I know they're going to be full of assumptions so," Samy insisted.

I agreed.

99.99999% of the comments were "i ship", or "when he isn't single"

Some of them were "he looks so happyyy", "ew why?"

Me and Samy just laughed at the comments.

"Okay, I'm bored. Lets go to the pet store," I shrugged.

"That was random but okay," he went along with it as he got up and grabbed my keys before me.

"Do you even know how to drive?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm 17, of course I do," he 'pffft's


We finally arrive after singing tiktok songs the whole ride.

We ended up walking around the mall to find the pet shop.

"Oh my god, puppy, look Samy!" I said running up to a puppy.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he walks over to me.

"It looks like you," I point out.

Samy looks at the puppy bored.

The puppy looks at him and just stares.

"She just called you cute," Samy talked to the dog. "Okay but where's the lie?" I smirk.

Samy grabs my arm and brings me out of the store. I look at him confused.

"So there's this party that's going on in like 3 hours, trying to go?" He asks me.

I shrug, "na-"

"Yes? Awesome," he said happily.

Ok whatever floats ya boat.

"Is there going to be a lot of people?" I frown.

"You're going to be with me the whole night, don't worry baby," he grins as he puts his arm around my neck.


"If you leave me I'm going to cry," I roll my eyes.

Samy cups my cheeks, "I'll never leave you."

My face gets heated, fuck fuck fuck.

He notices it and smirks.

"Am I making you nervous?" He whispers into ear.

I push him, "Samy you don't have a deep voice, you sound like a female, I don't find you whispering in my ear that entertaining," I admit.

He sighs, "okay what about this?" He smirks as he leans into me.

He immediately pulls back with an amused face.

I stare at him, completely in shock.

"Wha?" I say losing my voice.

He intertwines our fingers with a huge grin plastered on his face, "lets go to this party!" He runs towards the exit making me run.

Oh boy.

Je t'aime | Mariano Castano ♡Where stories live. Discover now