Chapter 17

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yalll wtf ty for 9k reads, its currently 2 am and im writing this on a school night teehee bouta scrap 🥴

Also I didn't edit this so point out any mistakes so I can fix it


"that was hot," Samy smirks.

I look at him and laugh.

"Im gonna dip, I'll do my work when I come back, bye!" I wave at him as I walk back to my car.

I stayed on park as I went on my phone to download all my apps.

I went on Instagram to see 90 requests.

I saw that Charlotte DM'd me.


So when did Mattia take a liking on you?


Girl Mattia followed you.


"What the.." I mumbled as I actually saw he did follow me.

He also DM'd me.




You're cute

Thx I guess u are too??

So r u dating my boy Samy

No but ig u can say I've taken a huge liking to him :)

Wb mar then?

We aren't on good terms rn tbh

Wait what happened??

He lied to me and Samy

Oh damn sorry bro anyways I'm flyin to Ottawa soon so tryna link???

I'm down when thou ?

Tomorrow actually @ 2 pm so me n the boys need 2 get picked up so wanna b our ride or wassup

Yeah why not I'll be there at like 2:10

It's good to finally get to know u tbh I've seen u in their tiktoks and I'm like damn ok she fire tho

Ive only seen like 1 or 2 of ur tiktoks


I don't have tiktok wha
anyways wanna ft cuz I actually wanna see u lmfao

Yessir here's my #


I get a call from Mattia and pick it up.

"Hello?" I said.

The screen was black and I heard moaning.

"Ugh Mattia stop! Hehe!" A feminine voice moaned.

I choked.

"Yo baby chill," Mattia said in a hushed tone.

"Helloooo?" I yelled.

The camera flips to Kairi shirtless.

I laughed, "omg babe! Stop!" Kairi said covering his man boobs.

"Wait, yo that's that chick who's getting all the hype right now?" Another voice said.

"Ale, this is Samy's girl," Kairi yelled at Alejandro.

"Oh," Alejandro shouted back.

They all walked up to Mattia and looked at the call.

"She's cute what the fuck?" Alejandro smirked.

"Nah man I called dibs," Kairi slapped Alejandro.

I just watched them argue. I bit my cheek as Mattia got up and walked into his living room.

"Nah, but for real, how you doin' like you've been tiktoks hype," Mattia asked me.

I shrugged, "I've been well, could've been better."

"Ah, because the Mariano thing? Well don't worry about him tomorrow cause we bouta do a meet and greet back in the airport and you're going to be a part of it, more like you're one of the boys," Mattia smiled.

"So how many people hate me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Only a few, cause most girls would wanna be in your place now, but most people have been standing up for you since you don't got tiktok, but why? You should get tiktok and film your own vids," Mattia suggested.

"I'm not into it, but I might soon, i dont want people to think I'm a clout chaser, ya know?" I mumbled.

"Fuck what people think, you're your own person, you're quite nice, I can see why the boys like you," Mattia grinned.

His smile made me smile and we ended up laughing.

"I've gotta go home now, I'll call you in a bit yeah?" I finished.

Mattia nodded, "Why cant we just keep talking while you drive?" He asked.

"You're distracting," I smirk.

"Oh right, id be distracted by someone as hot as me," he said confidently.

"Okay buddy, I'm gonna go now, byeee!" I waved.

"Bye, don't forget to text me and call me when you get home." Mattia said and I ended it.

Well today was eventful.



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