Chaper 22

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I sit in Samy's car, crossed arms. Its been silent since we got in.

He starts to tap his thumb on a random rhythm.

"Okay! Something's clearly annoying you, whats wrong.. is it about us dating?" Samy asks me.

I look at him with a bored expression. "Oh no! Dont say that out loud! The media might hear... remember we must keep it secret!" I said calmly.

He stays silent for a minute.

"Why are you mad about it?" He asks in a hushed tone.

I snort at his question. "Are you du- Samy!" I said fully turning to him.

He looks at me confused, "why are you hiding this relationship? Who? Why? from who?!" I said with anger in my voice.

He turns away from me and focuses on the road.

I chuckle, "you know what? Fine." I smile as I grab my phone and get on it.

He looks back at me and frowns, "what are you up t-"

"Shh!" I say to him.

I go on my snapchat and take a picture of me and captioning it,

'Why can't I just get a man? Someone wife me up :('

I show it to Samy and before he can object I post it.

"Ness..." he says angrily. I look at him and smile.

Immediately I got a snap from Mariano.

"Mar.." I said quietly.

Samy snatches my phone and reads the message. He huffs and reads it out loud.

"I'm here to apologize Vanessa. I should've never tried with you in the classroom, I hope you can forgive me. I want to make it up with you somehow, a date? Just me and you. Please give it consideration. In all seriousness. I love you."

I go wide-eyed, but part of me was happy Samy saw it.

"What the f-"

I cut Samy off, "I'm going on that date," I say through a clenched smile.

Samy coughs, "no the fuck you arent," he says angrily.

"Says who? I ain't got no boyfriend that he knows about so?" I growled.

I know this is fucked up, but I do not have any regrets.

Noel would probably scold me but do I care? Nah.

I quickly get up and grab my phone.

Samy shaking his head and sighing. "Fine." Is all he says before focusing on the road once more.

I text back Mariano,

"Sounds good."

I shut off my phone and rest my feet on my seat as I stare at the sun out the window, a smile plastered on my face.

Sorry Samy, but you made me mad.

I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry for that, but I don't know how else to put my anger.

I love you, I love you so much don't forget that Sam.

Even if I'm being categorized as a toxic girlfriend right now, I love you.


Its been a couple months. I'm sorry girls and gays 😔.

Je t'aime | Mariano Castano ♡Where stories live. Discover now