Chapter 21

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I'm apologizing on my behalf, I may or may not have broken my laptop, PC, AND PHONE CHARGER so I had no way of updating so I'm making it up with this chapter <3 ALSO 27K BABY


"Yeah what's up sam?" I ask Samy gazing up to his eyes.

He gives me a nervous chuckle before grabbing my wrist with a sweaty palm.

"Ness.. you and me both know I fucking like you, for gods sake, I love you! What am I suppose to do? I cant stop myself knowing you can move on because I can't have you, so I'm saying this with all my heart.. please ness, hear me out, even if you don't want to date me I hope this doesn't change our friendship, I will always be here and damn well there for you. After everything with Mariano it hit me with realization, I need you. Please." He looks into my eyes and waits for an response.

"Sorry I almost fell asleep-"

"Nessa!" He whines.

I laugh, "Samy, whatever you're saying.. I return everything back, I fucking like you." I blush.

The biggest smile appears on this boys face before he grabs my cheeks and brings me into a kiss.

We slowly depart from it, "so, with that being said, Samy, will you do me the honors of being your girlfriend?" I smile.

Samy frowns, "I was suppose to ask you! Now my friends will think I'm a bitch.."

"Fine, ask me," I roll my eyes.

"Vanessa, will you be my girlfriend?" He looks straight into my soul.

I nod quickly.

"How cheesy," a deep voice says.

We turn our heads to Mattia leaning on the doorframe smirking, a phone in his hand.

"Wait, you didn't rec-"

"Ness, can I be honest with you? Can we keep our relationship private?" He asks me.

I immediately frown.


"and not only that! Do you know what he asked me?! He asked me if I can keep our relationship private!" I yell into the phone as I continue eating my icecream.

"It's not that serious Nessa!" Noel replies to me.

"N! How? What if he's hiding it from someone? Like... I don't know?!" I continue yelling as I bundle myself up in my blanket.

I take another bite of icecream.

"Nessa, have you talked to him about it? Girl, please tell me you have." Noel says as he faces his camera to him.

"Um?" I says looking around not looking at Noel.

"Noel, you're my... world? Okay? I just need you to help me!! I don't know what to do, I feel like Samy is hiding something from me! I'm not going crazy, ok?!" I shout as I grab the spoon and start stabbing the bed.

Noel bursts out laughing, "baby, talk to him," Noel says softly.

"And if he doesn't want you, i know someone who will-"

"Noel, he says he loves me, I doubt he wouldn't want me, I mean.. right?" I said confused.

"You sound drunk as fuck right now, I barely understand you. Get some rest babygirl, I'll call you tomorrow," Noel says smiling.

I sigh, "fine, thanks. Bye love you."

"Love you too," Noel says as he hangs up the call.


I didn't edit this. I'm lazy.

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