Chapter 9

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Samy and Dante both stand there, recording a video.

"I-" Mariano cuts himself off.

"You saw it here first boys, Mariano and Vanessa are official!" Samy says into the phone with a deep voice. Even though he still kind of sounds like a girl.

"Fuck, I wanted her," Dante cried.

"Shutup, DN, we're not, dating we're friends!" Mariano growls.

"Mhm," Samy licks his lips.

"So some porn acti-"

I throw a pillow at Samy and he runs out. Dante stands there still recording. "So were y'all actually about to kiss..?" He asks confused.

Samy then returns. "We weren't going to kiss," Mariano denied, he and I both know that was a lie.

I just give a small smile, "yeah."

"Imagine lying to your bestfriends, like cmon! Just date I know you and her fucking like eachother," Samy says impatiently.

"How'd you get in?" I change the subject.

Samy scoffs and Dante just stares at us.

"Well uh... this is awkward, I'm going to go sleep now," I said as I bury myself into my pillow.

"It's 2 pm.."

Wait so me and Mariano have been talking since the end of second period to 2 and I didn't even realize it? Jesus Christ.

"Can you guys go now? I wanna talk to Nessa, just the both of us," Mariano says seriously.

"Fine, discuss your little couples conversation, blahblah im out," Dante says annoyed and walks out.

Samy stands there and digs his hands in his pockets, "I'm his ride, but if you guys need anything hit me up, love you hotties, remember to use protection," Samy winks at us before leaving.

I hear Mariano and feel him getting up, he closes the door and sits back down.

"Nessa, get up," he demands.

I whine as I slowly turn around and face him.

He stares intensely into my eyes.

I don't even know how I feel about him. First off, I barely knew him that long, and secondly I don't even know when's his birthday, favorite color, his age.. and so on.

He could be 18 and be setting himself up for jail for all I know.

"Are you even listening to me?" He asks me.

I look at him confused, "what?"

"I asked if you have a sister," he smirked.

"Get out, leave right now," I turn back into my pillow.

Before I can fully, he turns me back around and cups my cheeks.

He gets close, like really close, and whispers in my ear, "I'm kidding, you're the one I have eyes for, the only one."

I felt shivers go up my spine.

See, I don't know what I feel anymore.

"Mariano," is all I can say.

He leans back and lays onto my bed.

"If I cant have you, no one can." He shrugs.

"You don't own me, okay Mariano. You can't say shit like that," I deadpanned.

He looks at me confused.

"Do you even have the decency to even wonder what I want?" I ask.

Of course, no answer.

"Mariano, I like you, but I don't even know you. In all respects you can be like a whole player and I can be getting played right now," I stare into his eyes, "atleast give me time to think."

I had the right to think that, considering he did have a one night stand with Charlotte.

He nods, "I understand," he gives me a little grin.

"I'm glad you're considering about feelings," he says with a hint of a blush on his cheeks, which makes me chuckles.

"You're a good guy, and I like that."

"And you're the one I want," Mariano finishes the conversation before holding me into his arms.

I fell asleep right then and there.

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