Chapter 18

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I stayed at home after that call and fell asleep at 12 AM.


I get ready for school and when I was done I get into my car and arrive at school.

I open the doors and go eat breakfast.

The bell rung and I made my way to my first period.

I fell asleep half the class and took notes the other half.

Charlotte was staring at me most of the time, I already told her off so I don't have any idea why she's so obsessed with me.

I was walking out of first period when I caught Charlotte shouting at a distressed Mariano and he just dismissed it as he saw me and walked towards me.

Aw shit, here we go again.

"Vanessa, we need to talk," Mariano yelled towards me.

I guess I'll listen.

"What?" I asked.

"Privately," he grabs my arm and pulls me towards the bathroom.

Once we got there he was staring at me, "spill it out, you're acting weird, Maria."

He smiled and quickly hugged me.

"I miss you," he said as he hung onto me.

"Mar, you're squeezing me," I giggle as I try and pry him off but he just hugged me even tighter.

"Mariano what are you on?" I asked confused.

"Love," he mumbled.

I looked into his eyes as I look back down not being able to look directly at him, "Mariano, why'd you leave us? I missed you but you really did that."

"I was jealous," he admits.

I shrugged, "been knew, but like seriously? Her? Out of all people, pfft," I chuckle.

"You got closer to Samy and I had nothing to resort to besides her, I'm sorry.. I should've gave you time," Mariano looks up and sighs.

"So are you and Samy.. you know?" He asks me.

I bite my lip, "no, I like Samy though."

"I figured," he says awkwardly.

"I'm picking Mattia up today, wanna come?" I invite him.

"I have plans with Charlotte," he stuffs his hands in his pockets.

"No fun, like come on," I roll my eyes. He just huffs, "she's my girlfriend, she deserves my time." I look at him with a really? Face. "Girlfriend? More like rebound," I mutter.

Mariano clears his throat, "Don't get me wrong, I still have dreams about you."

I go wide eyed, he did not just-


"Tell me your joking," I look at him with a pleading face.

"Babe! Can we just go to class? Are you done talking to this tramp?" Charlotte runs up from behind him.

Mariano looks at her, "Charlotte, god damn, is every girl I talk to a tramp?" He asks her with a bored face.

She gives him an innocent pout, "I just dont want some girl taking what's mine," she grins.

Mariano rolls his eyes and gives a fake smile, "you're so cute!" He pinches her cheeks which makes her go red and look away.

"Whatever, I'm going to find Samy. Bye losers," I wave at them and turn around before being shouted at.

"I change my mind, I'll take up on that invite," Mariano says as I turn around and see him wink.

I look at Charlotte one last time.

"Great, I'll pick you up after school," I smirked as I continued walking.

"What invite babe?" I hear Charlotte asking him.

After 30 seconds of walking, I was pulled into a classroom.

"What the fuck?" I shout before my mouth was covered.

I open my eyes to see a random boy.


"Who the fuck are you?" I ask him angrily.

"Don't worry about it babe, I just wanna see what the boys like about you, now do me a favor and be quiet," he says gripping my waist and kissing my neck.

I try to punch him but he holds my hands behind my back right.

I have nothing to do besides yell.

He was immediately pulled away and I heard a loud slam.

I see Mariano on top of the boy, staring into his soul.

"Mariano-" I breathed out.

"Don't touch her ever again," Mariano says as he punched the boy who is now bleeding.

"Fuck," the boy whines in pain.

"If I see you close to her don't be surprised for another beating, dumb fuck," Mariano said getting back up.

I stand there in shock.

Mariano turns to me and looks at me.

He walks up to me and grabs ahold of my hand, "are you okay?" He asks me sincerely.

I nod, not being able to say a word.

I literally could've got...

Dude what?

Mariano just saved me.

He stares into my eyes,

He saved me.

He freaking saved me.

Maybe, he does care.

And the thought of that makes a single tear fall down my cheek.

And with that, he quickly brought me into a hug.

"I'm here," he says softly.

Why is he doing this to me?


Charli or alex?

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