Chapter 15

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We hit 4k reads, lemme jump off a bridge into happiness already 🥺💞


Samy had school tomorrow but I didn't cause ya girl got OSS till Wednesday.

I was laying in Samy's arms until he got a call.

"Yo viktor, what's up?" He says.


"Trying to hang or wassup?" Viktor asked.

"Nah, I'm staying at my girls house, sorry bro," Samy answered.

My girl.



"Wait wait, you never told me you had a girl?" Viktor said in shock.

I laugh.

"Hi Viktor!" I wave at the camera.

"Oh shit, what's up Nessa. Hold up, you guys are- I- what.." he stuttered.

Me and Samy bursted out laughing.

"I'm trying, man," Samy chuckles. Viktor nods, "Good luck bro."

I look into Samy's eyes for a while before he looks at me with a confused face, "what?" He asks.

I smirk, "can I make you into a stripper?"

Samy laughs, "hell to the no."

"Okay, we can do this the easy way or hard way," I narrow my eyes towards him.

"This is my cue, love y'all, remember use protection," Viktor kisses the camera before leaving the call.

We stay quiet before I break the silence.

"I'm getting my makeup, you ain't ready for this, seriously," I said getting up and walking to my bathroom.

I go in the cupboards and grab all my makeup supplies and bring them to my room.

I find Samy on the floor doing dances. "Samy, what in the hell are you doing?" I laugh.

"I'm practicing my stripper skills," Samy answered.

I shake my head and grab him by his hair and pull him to sit on a chair.

"This is abuse, I'm calling 911," Samy shouts.

I roll my eyes as I get out all my stuff.

"First, your eyebrows," I fill his in and make it darker.

"Foundation? Who is she? Your face is perfect," I say as I bring out my eyeliner.

I attempt to put eyeliner on him but he kept moving.

"it's itchy!" Samy complains. "Samy hold still," I grab his face and keep it in place while adding it.

When we were done I added fake long eyelashes to which he batted them out at me the whole time.

I put on blush and bring out my perfume.

"To perfect it all up," I take out the cap and start spraying him.

"No more, I smell like a girl," he whines.

"That's the point, retard." I laugh.

Samy finds a mirror from my makeup bag and checks himself out.

"Yo-" he chokes.

"I'm hot," he smirks as he licks his lips, I bursted out laughing.

"You're so pretty omg, have some of my money. Actually have it all!" I get out my wallet and start throwing cash at him.

He started dancing. We started laughing and ended up crying.

"I forgot, omg omg omg, I got a present for you."

Samy grabs something out of his bookbag and there it was

A new phone.

"Samy what why wha-" I cut myself off.

Samy fake cries, "I know I'm an amazing human being you don't have to tell me."

"I really can't let you give me that," I said in shock.

"I mean, I didn't waste 800 dollars for nothing," he shrugs.

I grin and hug him, the tightest hug I could possibly give him.

"You're the best sam," I look at him and kiss his cheek.

"Don't make me blush," he flips his imaginary hair.

"Wait! I forgot lipstick," I go into my makeup bag again and find a red lipstick.

"No, anything but tha-" I cut him off by shutting his mouth and applying the lipstick to his lips.

Samy moves his head to try and stop me. I struggle to fill it in, "Samy let me put lipstick on you or else," I growl.

He smirks and moves my hands away from his mouth. "Or else what?" He eyes me.

I close my eyes and lean in.

At the last second I opened it and finally put the lipstick on.

"Yo, what the hell?" He touched his lips.

He looked at his fingers and saw the red.

I gave a victory smile.

"Lets do a tiktok," I suggest, "I wanna show you off."

He laughs and nods.


Who should I add into this book? Like a tiktoker

Je t'aime | Mariano Castano ♡Where stories live. Discover now